Chapter 1: Call me Captain

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A young brunette looked down at a series of maps, many of which where covered in words written in black ink, All sprawled out on a desk. The scene is illuminated by several candles while moonlight seeped in through the windows. The pirate ran a hand through his spiky hair, analyzing the papers intently, before letting out a sigh. 

"Damn that Ansem..." he mumbled under his breath. "One day your legendary treasures will be mine." The brunette then opened one of the drawers from the desk and pulled out a small book and began flipping through it's contents. Stopping on the second to last page, where a single sentence reads: Through seven seas, seven pages will be scattered. However the true map lies behind silver locks which can only be opened with the key to the mind. May your heart be your guiding key. 

The pirate rereads the lines over and over trying to analyze the hidden meaning. "May my heart be my guiding key..." He looks up at the painting of Ansem that hung from the wall in front of the pirate. 

Ansem had silvery hair that shone bright and had a heart shaped birth mark on his chest, he never wore a shirt so that his enemies would see the mark. Ansem was the greatest pirate to sail the seven seas and was feared by all. He had countless treasures and had collected and stolen the most valuable of artifacts from all over the world. But one day he disappeared without a trace. Leaving behind nothing but some clues to the whereabouts of his greatest treasures, and his family.

 'Ansem's family was notorious for their silvery hair'. The brunette thought, 'and their unique heart shaped birth mark on their chest...' suddenly the pieces began to click within the young captain's head. 

A smile crept up the side of his face as a laugh left him. "OF COURSE!" 

"Silver locks of hair not actual silver locks! And the key is the heart shaped birth mark! He passed the information of the treasure to his descendants!" The captain spoke. 

"If we find his descendants! His treasure is ours!"

The captain grabbed his hat and made his way to the deck.

A full moon hung heavy in the star filled sky. A chill breeze blew through the night. The crew of the brunette's ship all faced their captain. 

"Boys,  soon the legendary treasure will be ours. All we need now, is one silver haired and heart bearing descendant. and we will have our treasure"

Several days passed with no luck finding the silver haired boy, until...

"CAPTAIN!!!!!!" squawks one of the ships men as he Suddenly busts through the door to the captain's lodge with a slam, startling the captain inside with a jump.

"What!?" screams the captain, confusion, anger, and a slight bit of fear in his voice. 

"We  found him!" replies the raspy crew member. 

"Well i'll be damned..." says the brunette a sinister smile stretching across his face.

(End of Prologue)

Riku was a trustworthy sailor who knew the seas and how dangerous they could be, but he always made it a priority to make sure his cargo made it to their destination on time, every time. He usually just delivered goods or supplies from one place to another. He enjoyed the sea and the busyness of being a sailor, But he never would have thought that he would be given the most important delivery of his life. 

It was a hot and sunny afternoon, Riku, a young silver haired sailor stood on the edge of the bustling docks beside his ship. The cool spray of the ocean making the heat bearable. The silver haired boy tapped his foot impatiently, his arms crossed and icy-blue eyes looking into the sea of sailors and merchants on the docks, searching for someone. The young man would occasionally mess with the band that held his long pearly hair up in its messy bun.

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