Chapter 7: Departure and delivery

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WARNING! Some potentially mature content ahead! (Nothing too nsfw but I will still put a warning) 

"Wait... What?!" Riku sputtered, grabbing hold of Sora's shoulders. Sora looked at Riku with an awkward smile, his cheeks growing bright pink. 

"I... love you." Sora repeated, sounding less confident then the first time. The brunette's hair was messy and stuck out in different directions, which the silver haired sailor thought was kinda cute. However Riku was still confused, yet felt so relieved and happy. But also star struck. This was the first time someone had expressed this kind of attraction to him. The silvernette just stood there, trying to figure out something to say.

"Sorry if it's so sudden... It's just... You!" Sora spoke throwing his arms in Riku's direction. "You are just, really attractive!" 

"I'm flattered, really, but..." 

"But what!? I heard everything you said to me! I even felt that kiss! The kiss Riku!" 

Riku's face turned completely red, he put his hand over his face and groaned. "I can't believe this..." 

Sora smirked comically, "You can't hide it Riku! You like me too!!" Sora smiled, pointing a finger in Riku's direction.

"Yeah right!" Riku shouted, still blushing violently. 

"You're lying! I can see it on your face!" 

"W-what!? No way!" 

The two jokingly argued with each other until Riku suddenly realized something.

"Oh my God...Everyone thinks you're dead!" Riku spoke turning towards Sora. "We gotta tell the others! Can you get up!?" Riku asked.

"I'm not sure, I can try... but I might need some help." Sora said looking up at Riku, with a smile. Riku reached a hand out to the captain who grabbed on, using most of his strength to lift himself out of bed. He was covered in bandages and wore nothing but a pair of pants. The captain had some trouble keeping his balance, as he got up but Riku helped keep him steady.

"Can you walk?" Riku asked Sora, wrapping his arm around the captain's waist and throwing an arm over his shoulder.

"Y-yeah," Sora spoke. His voice was shaky and unsure. "Hey, could you hand me my coat?" Sora asked, pointing towards his coat which was hung beside the bed.

"Sure thing captain." Riku spoke, reaching over and grabbing hold of the jacket before wrapping it around the brunette's shoulders.


"Don't mention it."

The duo slowly began making their way to the upper deck, where all the crew was at, waiting around for an order. 

"Ahoy!" Sora boomed.

 Suddenly the crew of the Excalibur all turned towards the captain in unison, and stared as if he had died and had risen from the grave. All filled with a profound happiness. Everyone rushed over to the brunette hugging him and telling him how quiet the ship had been without him. Suddenly Donald and Goofy came bounding towards him, embracing Sora in a tight hug.

"Captain! You're okay!" Goofy spoke, lifting both Sora and Donald up in the air in a tight squeeze. 

"We were so worried about you!" Donald squawked.

"Aww guys! It's so good to see you again!" Sora laughed. Riku watched the trio and smiled.

"How are you feeling captain?" Asked a soft voice. It was Namine, she walked over to the brunette, who responded with," Much better! Thank you Namine!" 

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