Chapter 5: Night of the damned

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Warning! violence and some graphic imagery!


Captain Sora hollered to his men, as the loud boom of cannon fire echoed in the night. This was the last thing Sora wanted to deal with. All he wanted was to drop off the stupid princess and to find that treasure. But Sora had to stay focused, he couldn't get distracted now.



The two ships clashed with each other. Launching projectiles back and forth as the thick fog still lingered in the night. This fight had been going on for far to long, with little progression from either side.

'Nothing will get done if we just shoot back and forth at each other!' The brunette captain thought. 

"We need to get closer!" called the captain to Riku, who was  hauling a cannon ball into a cannon.

"What?! Are you crazy!? That's way to risky!" The silver haired sailor replied. A chill breeze nipped at him blowing his long silver hair in the wind.

"Nothing's going to advance if we just shoot back and forth!" He paused. "We gotta get closer and attack the crew!!"

"I hope you're right!" Riku called out.

'I hope so too.' Sora whispered under his breath. 

As quickly as he could Sora began sailing the Excalibur towards the black vessel, cannon balls still being fired from both ships. Just as the ship grew ever so close, a round of ammunition stuck the Excalibur. Leaving a fairly large hole in the side of the vessel. Not large enough for her to sink but large enough to require being repaired. Then another heavy blow was dealt to the ship, and another. 

"Sora! This is too risky!" Riku shouted, yet his words fell onto deaf ears. The captain was far more focused on getting onto that ship. Sora's crew returned fire striking the black vessel many more times. Soon the two ships were only a short distance from each other. Just close enough for Sora's crew to board the enemy ship.

Swiftly, ropes were thrown towards the enemy ship, getting caught on different parts that stood out before a long plank was laid down, bridging the opposing sides. Sailors began to force there way onto the other ship, but something was wrong. Rather than hearing the sounds of men clashing, Sora heard...


Just silence. As if the ship was abandoned. As a matter of fact, all cannon fire had ceased from the enemy ship as well. It was as if every living soul on the ship had vanished without a trace. This put the pirate on edge. 

Sora decided to take matters into his own hands and investigate the eerie ship. 

"Riku... Something's not right, and I'm going to try and figure it out," The brunette spoke. Riku looked up at Sora, fear was evident in his eyes. He wanted Sora to stay but he couldn't argue with the captain. "I need you, Donald, and Goofy to watch the ship while i'm gone. Got it?" A stern tone lingered on his words.

"Yes captain." replied Riku.

"Aye Aye Captain!" Responded Donald and Goofy, the unlikely duo, standing straight up. 

Without saying another word, Sora made his way onto the ship. The thick fog made it difficult to see, yet the young pirate could clearly make out the silhouettes of his crew. Dread seemed to slowly grab onto Sora as he boarded the ship before he approached his men. 

"What's the matter?" He spoke placing a hand onto the shoulder of a shaken buccaneer, who seemed to flinch at his captain's sudden arrival.

"Somethin' ain't right captain... It's almost as if the crew of this ship all done turned into fog..." the sailor spoke very quietly and carefully. 

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