"Sure thing, anyway see you at lunch." She walks away, leaving me to my thoughts.


What class do I have?

I run through my timetable, I have gym, ugh, screw that and with that I walk to the canteen. Nobody's around there except at lunch so I'll just skip, yeah, I'm a rebel and there ain't nothing you can do about it.

I was consumed by music and a book when someone tapped me on my shoulder.

"Shouldn't you be in school lass?" It's the janitor.

"Probably." I reply. "But it's gym, all the girls hate me so they don't play fair and I hate going."

"I see, haven't you told your teacher?" He frowns.

"I would but I don't want to seem weak." The old man nods in understanding, his wrinkles crease into a frown though and it makes me uneasy. I shift in my seat and sigh as I look out the window, I think there should bars there because then I would have a reason to feel so trapped.

"Why don't you change classes, I mean, I just helped clean up the photography classroom, maybe you should venture there, I bet no big bars will fall on your head there." He smiles, a warm, well used smile that I assume most ignore and I smile back, he had been so nice to me and I didn't even know he existed.

As I jump out of my thoughts, I realise I am once again alone.


How did he know about the accident? Does everyone know what happened? What really happened? Oh my god. This could be very bad. Extremely bad. Like, someone could try to kill me bad.

Why does this shit always happen to me? I feel like I'm in a Harry Potter book...

I sigh as the bell for my next class stings my ears, I miss when all I had to worry about was grades and boys and popularity or at least those things being the normal stuff I should worry about. Then again, I should probably get to class and on my way I'll see if I can find the photography room.

When I eventually find the photography room, it's empty but I decide to walk in anyway, I didn't want to go to English and so I suppose I am procrastinating. The room looks like all the others but there's just something more mysterious about it. All around the walls there are photographs, landscape, portait, some capturing every detail, others just focusing on one, for a moment I a lost in the sureality of it all but then I am pulled from my trance by a voice. 

"Shouldn't you be in class?"

I blink, bringing myself to reality again. "Probably." I say sarcastically.

"The why are you in here?" 

I suddenly notice that it was the man from before, who saved us from Nicola and I wonder what Supernatural he is. 

"Hello? Are you there?" He says to me. 

"Oh, erm, sorry... sir." I splurt out. I go to leave but he stops me. 

"What were you doing in her miss Rhyns?" He raises his eyebrow suspiciously. 

"Just looking." I reply cooly. 

"Planning on persuing photography are you?" He voice sounds a little softer now. 

"Possibly." Is all I say before walking out the room. 

Mallaurie's POV

What am I going to do with Jack, with Dillon, with my 'life'. I haven't been this stressed since I saw Luke's face when he came to my funeral, I had to watch the light drain from his eyes along with the tears down his cheeks. 

This is a lot harder than I thought it would be, everyone is staring and whispering about earlier and it's keeping me on edge, I wish I had Jack here, she would say something witty and they would all shut up. 

"Molly, could you go to the office please." The teacher, looks at me expectantly but I'm too lost in my worry to notice. "Molly." She pauses. "Will someone wake her from her daydream please." She says, clearly annoyed. 

I finally move and head towards the door, I leave all my things behind, not even looking at the time and walk towards the office. I'm halfway there when I am pulled into a classroom, thinking it was Dillon again I don't panic too much but I wish I had because the eyes I look into are not Dillon's at all. They're Helena's and she's grinning at me evilly.

"Hello little Mallaurie, want to play a game?" 

A/N - I'm not usually one for leaving an authors not but I wanted to thank everyone who has read my book and apologise for taking so long to update, hopefully won't take as long with the next couple of updates. :)

Thanks again, 


The Not So Perfect School For Perfect Children (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now