Chapter 14

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My alarm had just woken me up from the most amazing dream. I checked my phone and seen a goodnight text from Taylor last night, received after I'd fallen asleep talking to him. I called him and had to wait a little bit before he answered. He sounded all groggy like he'd just woken up. I then felt extremely stupid for calling him at 6:30 in the morning.

"I had a dream of you last night." I went straight in with the reason I called him.

"Naughty. You going to share what happened?" I could hear him shuffling around to sit up.

"I'd prefer to show you in person"

"ooh so it was a sexy dream? I can be there in 15 minutes."

"You can't come over, you know the kids are here" I heard Taylor let out a sigh after I spoke.

"I see how it is. We will be quiet, unless that's not how it was in your dream...?" I laughed at his remark.

"You don't even know what the dream was. It could've been us just walking around a park or something."

"Was it?"

" but.. okay so what if it was a sexy dream?"

"I'm not teasing you, it's actually hot." His words gave me butterflies.

"Oh really now... wait till you find out what actually happened." My speech slowed down.

"Well I'm waiting.."

"The kids might hear me"

"Who cares. Are they sleeping?"

"I think so yeah. I don't hear them."

"So tell me the dream and we can recreate it later tonight maybe"

"Sounds like a good plan. Okay well it wasn't anything crazy but still"

"Just tell me Rose" Taylor was now begging.

"Alright. So when we got home from our amazing date, which is tonight, finally, we went inside and I could tell you were holding back your actions. We were both trying to act like we didn't want to rip each others close off. It was our first date, we couldn't just do it on our first night out together. So we went inside and I threw my clutch onto the kitchen counter then you came up to me and put your hands on my hips. You looked down at me and our eyes were locked. I went on my toes, grabbed your face and kissed your lips."

I had to stop telling Taylor about my dream because I still needed to get ready for work and I can't give away the whole dream. He can find out the ending later.

I was still in call with Taylor when I left my bed to wake the kids up for school.

"They're not gonna like you if you wake them up Rose"

"Oh sh you, it's our daily routine. Plus I woke you up and you're showing no signs of disliking me, Taylor."

"You distracted me by telling me of your dream. How could I dislike you when you had that kind of dream involving me."

"I'll remember that for the next time I wake you up.."

"There will be no next time. You gotta let me have my beauty sleep otherwise who knows how I could look."

"Oh how tragic. I'm sure you would look fine but I'll try to be respectful towards that."

"Thank you"

"Now if you don't mind, I have to wake my two sleepy heads and get ready for work. I will see you later on."

"Oh can't you just stay on the call?"

"Just go back to sleep. You have no kids today. Get your so called beauty sleep before I see you."

"So you admit I need beauty sleep, that's not very nice of you." Taylor laughed at his words.

"I never admitted it. I'm leaving now before you cancel tonight. Byee"

"I would never. Bye Ms Hudson"

I don't know what it is but every time he calls me Ms Hudson, I get shivers down my spine.

I got the kids up. Had a shower. Did my make up. The kids made their lunches. I made them pancakes. On the way to dropping the kids off at school, Alex asked if we could listen to Foo Fighters so I put on a Foo Fighters playlist. The kids have taken a liking towards Foo Fighters since Taylor became their new favourite friend of mine.

Taylor and I didn't text that much through out the day but he did facetime me on my recess break. He was at Dave's house working on music projects. They've been spending quite a lot of time together lately. Could they be recording new music?

I hid in my classroom to avoid other staff, especially Elle. I think I would prefer to take the video call in private rather than next to my best friend who admires Dave. We got connected, Dave was in the screen showing off his goofy smile and waving at me.

"Soooo Rose whats up? The last time I saw you, you were making out with this guy." Dave pointed at Taylor, "now you're going on a date!?"

"Of course you told him about tonight. Hiya Dave, how are you?"

"I'm great! How have you been?"

"Amazing. The place looks rad"

"You should come check it out" Dave offered.

"I can't. I'm at work."

"I think they will let you leave if you tell them you're coming to my place."

"Really Dave?" I laughed at him. He laughed back telling me he was joking but then he said I should at least give it a shot. I told him they wouldn't even believe me.

"Uh Rose, we are currently on face time, don't you think that's enough proof?"

"True" We laughed and Taylor came back into shot. He gave me a quick grin and took the phone from Dave. The bell went so we said bye and hung up. I was so happy to have face timed Taylor for the first time even though I was speaking to Dave.

I rushed into the staffroom to get my lunch that I put in the fridge and had to act casual. As soon as I saw Elle she asked me where I'd been. All I told her was that I was on the phone to my date tonight. As expected she got all excited. She still doesn't know who I'm seeing. I feel bad for not telling her but I think it's the best option for now.

I have to try and figure out how I'm going to ask the kids about me seeing Taylor.

I apologise for not updating the story last week, exams are finally over... for 3 weeks.

Thank you for reading and let's hope the date between Taylor and Rose goes well 😁

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