Chapter 8

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After talking to Taylor, the kids and I headed out to the beach with my older sister, Chelsea, and her 2 kids. Her eldest, Carla, is 7, only a few months older than Izzy. Her youngest, Davey, is 5. The 4 kids are like best friends and are always having sleepovers.

As per usual, Chels and I talked about how things went with Michael when he dropped the kids off. Chels talked about her wedding plans. Sounds crazy, me talking about my ex-husband and her talking about her husband-to-be. It's like our weekly ritual though.

Chels was mid sentence when I heard my phone ding and vibrate on the towel in front of me. I looked at it but then looked again after seeing who it was. I instantly smiled and picked my phone up to read the message.

"I hope you aren't thinking about me too much Ms Hudson"

R: "Likewise Mr Hawkins"

Chelsea's voice was slowing down when she realised I wasn't responding to her ideas. I felt her prying eyes over my shoulder so I turned my phone off so she couldn't see the screen anymore.

It's not that I don't want her to know about Taylor, it's just that I haven't told her and I like that it was just something he and I shared. Even Elle doesn't know yet.

"Who's T H? Have you been seeing someone hey?" She was nudging me and raising her eyebrows.

"Kind of. We met after a small concert ."

"You went to a concert!?"

"Elle made me. It was on a Sunday night as well."

"Wow Rose he must be something special!" That he is.

We left the beach and went straight home. After an hour at the beach, Carla and Davey decided they want to sleepover which meant homemade pizzas for dinner and a movie with lotssss of snacks. Elle also decided she wanted to come over to chat and drink wine.

When Carla and Davey arrived they ran straight to the rooms to dump their bags. Chelsea and her fiancé, Mark, came in for a quick drink. Izzy came out of her room with Carla and ran to Chelsea as soon as she saw her, hugging her tightly. Even though she only saw her aunty at the beach earlier, it didn't put a halt to her excitement.

"How are you my sweetness?" Chelsea asked, excited to see her niece.

"Good. Did mom tell you she had a famous person at her work yesterday?" Chels looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Even Mark turned to me. I smiled. Mainly because Izzy's so excited but also because Taylor...

"Really?! Who was it?" This time Mark spoke to Isabelle.

"He plays drums, mum showed us a video with his band." Isabelle tugged at my shirt, "what's his name again?"

"Uh um" I cleared my throat, "Taylor Hawkins." I looked directly at Chels who looked as though she was thinking hard. Mark's eyes widened.

"The Foo Fighters guy????" We all laughed at Mark's sudden excitement and I nodded. He went pale. "What was he like? I'm so jealous!" I told Mark about Taylor being very kind and relaxed.

Not long after that conversation, Chelsea and Mark left to go out for dinner. The kids made their own pizzas and while they were cooking Elle arrived, full of life as always. Izzy and Alex said hi as Carla and Davey continued watching the tv.

Elle and I made our way out to my back patio with a bottle of wine and left the kids to watch a movie.

"Ya know I'm still not over the fact Hawkins was at work yesterday. I got to meet him Rose!!"

"It was pretty entertaining to. You were completely speechless!"

"How could you not be though! Uh I made a complete fool of myself. Actually, you seemed pretty calm when talking to him" Uh-oh I knew she was suspicious.

"Oh well I barely know who he is ya know" good save Rose..

"You were totally drooling while he was playing though"

"Yeh well he's hot, I'm not blind" We both laughed. The glass door slowly opened and Izzy walked over to me holding my phone.

"Mom someone called you and I answered it. I thought it would be dad" I took my phone and looked at the screen. My face was full of confusion until I saw it was Taylor. Why would he call? It's 8:30 at night.

"Oh that's okay sweets," Elle looked at me confused. My sudden change of facial expression must've been obvious. I was over the moon that he called but I had to disguise it the best I could. "um Iz go back inside it's cold. Is everyone else okay?" She smiled, nodded and ran inside. I motioned to Elle I was going to take the call and she went inside. "Sorry about that..." I spoke into the phone.

"it's fine! I'm just happy to hear you. You sound busy? I can call later."

"No, it's just my niece and nephew are over. Oh and Elle, she was just talking to me about how excited she was to see you yesterday."

"She seems great. I'm sure if she spoke to me I'd know for sure but it was cute"

"You calling my best friend cute? Hawk you player"

"No! I mean cute like a child cute. Roseee you know that right?" I was only messing with him but his response made my night. Elle walked back out and asked who it was.

"Is that Elle? You should let me talk to her!" I ignored what Taylor said. I was honest and told her it was the guy from last week.

"I'll call you back when Elle leaves, I promise"

"You better. We have plans to make" I hung up the phone and looked up at Elle who was grinning down at me.

"Rose Hudson. I've been dying all week to get a story out of you. It's been 6 months of single Rose and this was your first night out and you got a guy. Now spillll you gotta be dying to tell someone!"

I took a big sip of wine and sighed. Elle shifted in her seat to get comfortable. I told her about the night after the concert and yesterday after work. I never mentioned a name because I knew she would freak out.

"Rose you naughty girl! There's gotta be a catch. He can't be this perfect" hahaha wellll you don't even know.

"Kinda. He has kids but that's cool, it's just what if we do get together and the kids don't get along?" She shook her head.

"Your kids are amazing! I'm sure they'll love them. Do you know how old his are?"

"Only a few years older and one younger. I'm sure I'm just over thinking. I just, I'm happy. He's really great but I don't want to rush into anything."

"I understand. Just take each day as it comes and if it doesn't work out, at least you got a bit of action." Elle winked at me, we laughed and drank more wine.

She's right but I really hope he feels the same way I do...

Imagine Taylor calling you and saying he just wanted to hear your voice! Gonna get more exciting I promise ❤️

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