Chapter 13

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Sooo super sorry for not uploading last week! There's been quite a bit happening in my life at the moment, it's been stressful.

Thank you for reading, it means a lot 💕

Alex and Izzy finished their face time session a few minutes before dinner was ready. They were happy to update Michael on school and of course their new friends, the Hawkins. Michael was stunned when Alex said it was Taylor Hawkins so he asked how we met them and Izzy told the story about him coming to my work and having lunch with them on Sunday. I'm sure Michael is assuming Tay and I are seeing each other considering what he's been told; he came to my work for the day and now our kids are friends after having lunch together. I suppose it's not hard to connect the dots there.

The kids were having showers so I loaded the dishwasher and sat on the couch with my phone. I had no messages from Taylor but there was one from Michael.

So Taylor Hawkins hey? I'm glad you've moved on so happily.

I shook my head when I read the message. He's ridiculous. What's it to him anyway? He has his little  27 year old girlfriend, I can have my reliable and mature boyfr-. At least there isn't more than 10 years between us. I decided to not message him back, I didn't want to start  an argument.

Izzy came back from her shower and rested against me on the couch. Not long after Alex joined us. I got up and asked if they wanted a hot coco before bed. They both turned to me and said 'yes please.'

After the hot coco's they brushed their teeth and went into bed. I first went into Izzy's room to tuck her in and give her kiss. I then went into Alex's bedroom. When I opened the door, he was just laying there on his back with his eyes open.

"What's wrong Alex?" I walked over and sat next to him on his bed.

"I miss you and Daddy together" I took a deep breath.

"I know  hun but your dad and I aren't happy together anymore," I wanted to tell him why but I don't want to destroy his image of his own father.

"Do you like Taylor now? You look happy when you are with him and I saw you on the couch today" It was only a matter of time till he asked about Taylor.

"I do like Taylor baby and he does make me happy but he isn't my boyfriend. It's difficult but we don't want to make you kids upset."

"I like him to. Does that mean Shane will be my brother?" Can definitely tell he's my kid, jumping to conclusions.

"Nothings happening yet. We can talk about it another day okay, you need to sleep."

"Okay. Goodnight Mom." I kissed his forehead and closed his door.

At least Alex likes Taylor. I think the whole reason he isn't against Tay and I is because he wants an older brother like Shane. When I got to the living room, without thinking, I picked up my phone and called Taylor. I wanted to tell him about what Alex said but I don't want him to think I want a commited relationship. I mean, I do but if he doesn't then that just messes everything up.

I only had to wait a few seconds before I heard his voice.

"Taylor," he spoke seriously when he answered my call. His voice makes me melt every time I hear it. When I said it was me, his mood lifted.

"Rose! Hi I'm sorry I didn't see who it was."

"I just wanted to check in" I smiled against my phone screen that was held to my ear.

We set a date for our real, planned date. Friday. As in 2 days. I can't wait to actually be able to sit down and have a proper conversation to get to know each other. He didn't tell me where we were going but he said he'll pick me up at 6pm. That gives me enough time to get the kids from school and get them to Michael in time to come home and get ready. It went quiet for a few seconds until Taylor spoke up.

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