Chapter 2

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"Shittt I was just ya know I thought well sorry" he turned away from me so I grabbed his arm for him to face me again.

"Don't be, you did nothing wrong. You thought right it's just, it's a long story but it's been a rough day" He didn't speak for a few seconds, he just hugged me.

"Now I have 2 options for you because you seem cool and you're upset. Just a heads up I suggest you pick the second option," he whispered that last part even though there's no one around. "Option number 1, we talk about your little bit of a rough day. Option number 2, you come to the bar with me and the gang" He cringed as he said the first option. The second option however, he said with an ear to ear grin like he was a child asking for candy.

He released me from his hug and I reluctantly agreed to going to the bar. What better way to distract yourself than to get drunk with a rock band.

I went inside to find Elle but couldn't see her so I just left a voice message on her phone. I then went straight back to Taylor and he seemed pleased that I came back. He threw his arm over my shoulder and we went to the rest of his band.

* * *

"Hey! You  motherfuckers wanna go back to T's?" Dave shouted to our group who not only included the band itself, but also the guys partners except Dave's wife. Everyone seemed so close but I suppose that's a given considering how long they've known each other. 

We're in Taylor's backyard and everyone was drunk, aside from Taylor and I. I had a few beers but nothing much considering I still had to drive home. Taylor drank when I did. We were all sitting in a "drunk mans circle" ,as named by Wiley, and the boys were taking turns in telling old stories. Dave began telling a story from his last Scream gig but I have to admit, I only heard about half of it.

My focus kept going to the man next to me. Taylor. I could feel his eyes on me. I could see in the corner of my eye, his concentration, not on Dave but me. I turned to him and he gave me a smile. I moved closer to him and leaned in towards his ear.

"Sorry for distracting you from these riveting stories but I need to use the bathroom" I whispered in his ear with emphasis on riveting. He shot up and I followed.

"Ah-hem you two! Are we boring your sober asses?" Taylor just shooed Dave off and I continued to follow him inside while the others kept talking. 

Taylor took out a bottle of water for me from the fridge as I was walking back to him from the bathroom. He threw it to me, warming up my reflexes but I failed to catch it which resulted in both of us laughing. His mood suddenly changed when he noticed we were finally alone again. He stepped closer to me with a serious look on his face and he placed his hand over mine on the kitchen counter which sent shivers down my spine.

"I've been meaning to ask, what's making you upset tonight?  We just met but I know well enough something's on your mind." His voice lowered, making sure no one heard even though he knew everyone was outside.

"Well Taylor, today would've been my 3 year wedding anniversary but my husband and I split a few months ago. I guess it's been bothering me but you've kept my mind busy too." He hugged me and apologised for something that wasn't his fault.

"Soo I've been on your mind hey?!" He smirked.

I playfully punch his arm and ran outside. He chased after me. I kept running, past the 'drunk mans circle' and jumped into the pool. When I got up from the water I felt his splash and before I knew it he was holding me at the waist and I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my arms around his neck. He looked down me and smiled to himself as he took in my wet body. In this moment, everything stopped, the world froze.

It was just Taylor and I right now. 

The butterflies grew in my stomach and my heart raced as our faces came closer and his eyes went from my eyes to my lips. His eyes were full of lust, but a caring kind.

The whole night I've been imagining this moment. His touch against my body. His lips against mine. I loved the way he made me feel, the desire that built for him. 
Unfortunately, the moment was ruined by well Dave duh and I was brought back into the real world.

First, it was the thought of "what are you doing, you're married!" And that led to a whole bunch of thoughts in a matter of seconds. I placed my forehead on Taylor's, both in obvious disappointment. I jumped out of the pool and turned back to see Taylor giving Dave a punch on the arm for jumping in the pool. How cute!

We got towels and Taylor passed me some dry clothes. I opted to go braless because my bra was wet, made me feel a bit uncomfortable but when I went downstairs I could tell Taylor didn't mind. He handed me my phone that I left lying around.

The first thing I noticed was the time, 11:46pm. Then I saw I had 2 recent missed calls from Elle so I decided to call her back after I said bye to everyone that was leaving.

"Hello?" Elle was obviously asleep and didn't look at the phone when she answered.

"Just wanted to check you got home safe?"

"You wanted to check I was safe?! What about you! Are you okay?" And now she sounds awake but like she's checking on me.

"Yes Elle I'm fine, better than fine actually. You wouldn't believe tonight." She really wouldn't, that's why I'm not telling her who I'm with.

"Ooh you found you a rebound. Forget about, I'm not gonna say his name, he's an asshole and just let go."

"See that's the thing, I'm with this guy and he's making me crazy but I still feel like it would be wrong"

Being the great friend she is, she told me to go for it. Forget about the guilt. I'm free, I can do what I want and who I want. I haven't been with anyone else in over 9 years , it feels new again. Refreshing. Wild.

Thank you for reading if you're keeping up with this story, it means a lot. Please feel free to let me know what you think!!

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