Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 :)

"Skye? Miss Haver wake up this instant!" a loud crash from a text book on the table made Skye jump out of her seat she looked around to see all of her class staring at her. She blushed red like her hair and put her head down and flicked through the text book to the right page,

"Sorry sir, it wont happen again" she said before reading the page she yawned a little while trying to concentrate she was still so tired from the concert which seemed like a dream, the band, the music, meeting Jared.. Skye suddenly jumped out of her little world when the classroom door knocked and the receptionist walked in with a bunch of roses,

"Skye these are for you, some guy with long brown hair but with dazzling blue eyes came in with these saying these are for you" she said while handing the roses, they smelt beutiful. The bell finally rung to indicate lunch, Skye was walking towards the lunch hall to meet her friends but while she was waiting she pulled out her phone and called a number hopeing he would answer.

"Hello?" answered the low but husky voice that Skye knew so well,

"Hey Jared, I got the roses, just wanted to call to say thank you" she replied smiling down her end of the call,

"Aww perfect! Your very welcome Skye their like you, beautiful, Skye I need to see you though what are you doing after school?" his voice sounded bit shy,

"Nothing, why what you thinking?"

"I was thinking we could hang out for a bit, I can drive you home after" he said sounding really hopeful,

"Yeah sure, I'll meet you by the park thats outside my school" Skye finally answered after thinking,

"Cool! I'll meet you there, see you then Skye!" he said happily and hanged up on her. Skye put her phone away and ate lunch with her girls before heading off to her last lesson which was photography, suprisingly the lesson went quickly before she knew it the bell rung she picked up her bag and bolted for the door she headed for the gate and to her dissmay the younger years were all hanging around the gates making it crowded.

"Shit!" she muttered, it was almost impossible to get through the children to get out of the school and onto the path towards to the park to meet Jared.

When Skye got to the park she looked around for him, he was no where to be seen, she got off the bridge that went from the path to the park and stood underneath the tree near the bridge when she heard:

"Skye, up here!" she looked up to see a Jared hanging from the tree with a grin on his face, "Come on up" he held his hand out to her and she took it as she was climbing up to him, they both looked at eachother for a bit before Skye finally said something,

"I'm scared of heights by the way"

"I wont let you fall I promise" Jared said cooly as he wrapped his arms around Skye, he looked into her beautiful blue eyes and leaned towards her, Skye knew what he wanted but she didnt fight it she gave in and they both kissed, it was long and passionate his mouth danced with hers in perfect time his arms around her while hers was around his shoulders her hands playing with his jet black hair with the red in making the kiss more intense. They both finally pulled apart looking at eachother, still in eachothers arms Skye's stomach finally rumbled to break the silence.

"Someone hungry? want me to take you home?"

"Yes and yes" Skye replied giggling, Jared jumped down from the tree and looked up to Skye who looked very scared,

"Come on jump I'll catch you!" Jared shouted up, then all of a sudden Skye jumped but landed in Jared's arms making them both fall onto the floor, they laughed as Skye turned bright red as she looked back at Jared who was looking at her, he got up and helped her up, "Come on lets get you home" he finally said and picked up her bag and the roses as they walked to the car.

But what Jared and Skye didnt know was that a photographer was recording and taking photos of their whole converstation and the kiss.

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