Chapter 3: An Alliance

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Probably the latter.

"Hey, Bakubro! Mind if I sit here?" Shitty hair or Kirishima, Katsuki had learnt, asked with a grin and snapped him out of his thoughts.

Katsuki sighed angrily, "For fuck's sake, how many times do have to say this!? NO! And stop calling me that!"

"I'll take that as a yes." He said and sat down opposite to the blonde.

Katsuki shifted his attention back to his food and munched it angrily. Ever since he had become friends with Izuku, new people began bombarding him with requests to be his friend. Especially this idiot.

What the fuck is it with these people? If he gave Izuku 'special attention', as they claimed, why did that mean he wanted to give it to everyone else? Why the fuck did they care so much anyways?

"So...What's your favourite colour?" Kirishima asked, trying to fill the silence.

Bad descision.

Katsuki snapped his spoon in two and shoved his chair backwards to get up. He had lost his appetite.

"Hey dude, where you goin' ?"

"None of your buisness." He said as he stomped towards the bathroom.


The annoyed blonde slammed open the door, still muttering about how stupid that dude was. He was too caught up in his thoughts to notice a very startled, blushing Izuku standing at the sink.

When Katsuki's eyes finally came up to meet his, all of his anger deminished when he found him self tranfixed by a sea of green. He instantly calmed down, as usual, when he met those wonderful eyes.

The spell was broken, though, by a low cough and Katsuki snapped back to reality to see the shorter teen look away bashfully. The blonde's face lit ablaze when he realized he was staring for too long and found the floor as interesting as Izuku found it.

"U-um, hi." He said, shyly.
"About yesterday, Uraraka was just messing around you know, I'm really sorry if it made you uncomf- "

"No, no it's fine, really. No need to apologize, it's already behind us now. Besides, it's nothing to be bothered about."

He says when it was literally the only thing on his mind for the past 24 hours.

The greenette seemed to be taken a back by this and his eyes widened. He rubbed the back of his neck, not knowing what to do since he hadn't thought he'd get this far.

What did he think was going to happen? Something along the lines of getting shouted at and their friendship inevitably falling apart, leaving him the only choice of getting to his knees and begging for forgiveness.

Not so realistic now that he thought about it.

"W-well, now that that's cleared, I'll be going?" He said, though it came out as more of a question.

"Oh, ok." Katsuki mumbled, in the most smartest way possible and stepped out of the way to let Izuku pass.

All he had to do was walk out of the bathroom and end this awkward situation.

But things never turn out the way he wanted to, do they?

Of course not, because as he was walking out he had to slip on that very particularly placed puddle and fall backwards, with a small squeak of surprise, to his doom.

He screwed his eyes shut, waiting for him to hit the floor and make the situation even more embarassing.

But the floor never came.

(HIATUS) It's Easy To Get Lost In Your Eyes || Bakudeku/KatsudekuTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon