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I wake up every evening,

With a big smile on my face.

It never feels out of place.

And you're still probably working,

At a 95 pace.

I wonder how bad that tast-

I picked up my phone, and turned off my alarm. I groggily sat up, and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The stupid sun was shining right into my eyes, and it felt awful. I looked over at Luke, and he was still passed out on the couch, along with Michael hanging over the other one. I softly giggled, and got out of bed. It was 8 am, and today I'm gonna guess is a Saturday. Yeah, that's the date.

I decided to check my phone for any texts I may have recieved over night, and I depressingly only got one. At least it was from Ashton.

'Don't forget about our date today! Noon, right?' he sent. Oh my god. I had totally forgot. Now, I feel like an ass. I quickly texted back, and thank god the text was only fiften minutes long.

'Yep! You better impress me, Irwin!' I sent. I breathed out a sigh of relief, and went downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Mom?!" I yelled out. No answer. Why is that woman always out of the house? I sighed, and reached in the cupboard for some cereal. I may be a girl, but I ain't no master chef. Suddenly, heavy footsteps came down the stairs, and I saw Luke come into the kitchen, still half alseep. I waved to him, and got the milk. He sat down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Good morning, Lulu." I greeted. My mood was increasingly better ever since Ashton had texted me.

"How are you so cheery in the morning, Lola? Damn." He chuckled. I made him a bowl of cereal, and he thanked me.

"So, will you and Michael be ok if I leave the house at noon for a couple hours?" I asked. Luke wiped his face on his sleeve.

"Oh, um yeah. Wait, you have that date thing today, right?" He said. Michael then came jogging down the stairs, and his hair looked like a total mess. I nodded at Luke, and saw Micheal head to the living room to do something. Probably video games....

Luke turned to me, with a serious face on. I looked at him curiously.

"Lola, are you sure you wanna go out with him?" He asked. I sighed annoyed, and glared at him. He rose his hands in surrender.

"I'm not saying he is a bad guy, I just wanna say something important. Lola, you're like a little sister to me. In fact, I do count you as one of my family members," He said. I went over and hugged him.

"I just want you to know, that if he ever causes you trouble, or if you need help out of anything, you just tell me, ok?" He said. This is one of the many reasons why I loved Luke. He's always looking out for me.

"I understand, Lukey. But don't worry, I'll be fine!" I assured him. He smiled at me, and put his bowl in the sink.

"And if he pressures you into anything that you don't wanna do-"

"Luke, I'm fine." I interupted him. He smirked and pulled me into a huge bear hug.

"I know, Lola. Just play the game safe out there." He said. I kissed his cheek and thanked him.

We walked over to the living room to see Michael on the floor, playing video games. His eyes were glued to the television screen, and he was currently shooting zombies in the head. Luke gave him a wtf look, even though Mike didn't seem to see. In fact, I don't think Michael noticed us walk into the room.

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