Death of the Lost Boys?

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*EDIT* 10/13/18 beta'd by exaigon


Blood sprayed. He was screaming. His chest was exploding with pain. A stake. He was aware enough to know that what it was.

"So much for living forever."

Then he stopped moving. He was gone and thankfully, so was the pain.

There were ear-piercing shrieks all around. It was him, he vaguely noticed. He was burning everywhere, he was melting, falling apart, it was the worst kind of torture. His skin was gone now, he was all bone... so why was there still pain? Then finally it ended but there was no peace because the burning remained even after everything else stopped.

Everything was so loud, even the heat from the electricity that was coursing throughout his body couldn't compare with the sound that was vibrating through him. It was shocking, literally, and so overwhelming. His body couldn't hold it in any longer. For a brief moment, there was a feeling of overwhelming agony and it drowned out the noise surrounding him. Then there was only darkness and silence... beautiful silence.

The pain in his chest was sudden and intense. It had felt like it lasted a lifetime when really it was over in just moments.

"So much for Michael not being a killer."

Then there was nothing... he felt nothing. Was nothing.

The Lost Boys were all dead...

Shortly after that Max too was defeated and the humans rejoiced.

Michael, Star, and Laddie were once again fully human.

Michael didn't rejoice though. He just stared at David's body and felt off. Nothing felt right like it was supposed to, but he couldn't pinpoint why.

He should feel normal. He should be happy.

The Lost Boys were gone; Michael was free.

Star grabbed his attention then and smiled at him.

Star was free but somehow Michael knew that he wasn't.


Marko's eyes shot open expecting pain. He grabbed his chest but there was no stake in it; no blood, no pain...

"I'm alive... well as alive as always."

His feet let go of his perch as he slowly landed on the ground trying to make sense of what had happened.

"A dream but we don't have dreams..." He whispered to himself as he rubbed his chest like he was experiencing a phantom pain there.

Looking up at his fellow Lost Boys with his hand still on his chest he knew it was real, despite the lack of evidence. Did that mean they missed his heart? No, he'd still be stained in his own blood and starving if that were the case.

Before he could think to wake up the others to question them, Paul awoke screeching horribly. Marko jumped and the other two were startled awake at the sound. The shrieking blonde had fallen from his perch, his hands on his face, and he was still screaming something awful, as if someone was killing him slowly.

Being the one closest, Marko ran to his aid and tried to calm him as the other blonde started to writhe around on the ground like he was in the worst kind of agony. David and Dwayne were now on the ground as well. At first neither rushed to help Marko with their pack mate as they were both momentarily confused. They were both dead a moment ago and now they weren't?

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