"Maybe it's the weather?" I suggested, "try planting it in the greenhouse,"

"That's what Hamza said, but I don't wanna prove him right,"

I snorted, "Lara, that's the only way to grow the fruit,"

"I'll throw some bonemeal to it. Anything to prove that brute wrong," Lara straightened her posture before looking me in the eye, "ok, let's get to business. Luca's birthday is in a week and since you're his mate, you must be present,"

My eyes widened, "He's also born in March?"

"The 7th or March, yes. He's going to have a huge party— that's why the people of the north, south, east and west are staying at the castle. But there's a catch," Her eyes shifted, making sure nobody was listening, "his mother is planning on introducing him to the princess of the west. To wed them. I overheard her speaking to their alpha,"

My lips parted, "But— they're not— they're not mated,"

"Kings and queens don't give two craps of bonds. What they do care about, though, are alliances and coin. The west are known for their jewels and fancy accents," She rolled her eyes, "can you believe Hamza thought he would be mated to a western woman? That man is tasteless,"

My shoulders slumped, "They speak french, have eyes the colour of the sea and skin pale as snow. Who wouldn't want them?"

Lara swatted my boob and I hissed, "You speak Arabic, have skin the colour of the sun and eyes the colour of nature. I'm pretty sure we know who wins here,"

"Wouldn't wedding him to the East be more beneficial though? Their woman are much richer and so, so beautiful," I gushed, "they have skin the colour of chocolate that doesn't age! I swear, Lara, when they visited us 7 years ago, I couldn't find one oddly faced Lycan!"

"That's what I thought too! But mother has an agenda of her own. She's never liked them— maybe she's jealous that their skin takes ages to wrinkle; unlike hers, but we have to stop her. If she wants that wedding to happen, she'll make it happen,"

My heart fell out of my bum.

How was I going to compete with a western princess? Above that, how would I be able to focus on postponing the Luna's plans while trying to figure out the origins of the seer's prophecy and brothers resurrection?



I promised Slaiman that we would visit the outskirts next week when next week was Luca's birthday. Never in a million years would I miss Luca's birthday, even if it meant my prophecy; or even my death, would come back stronger. He was slipping through my grasp and if I didn't start moving, he would completely dissipate from my life. Something I feared a tad bit too much.

"I'm designing a dress for you and it's going to be stunning, Leila. Even more dazzling than the Luna's gown,"

"Wouldn't that be rude, though? To out-dress the Luna?"

Lara shrugged, lips pursed, "You're a royal guard. Your job is to make people fear you, not look over you. And, technically speaking, you're the Luna, not that old brat. So wipe that frown off of yourself face and move that bum of yours so I can get your measurements right,"

The Alphas GuardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz