Youtube is dying

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I need to talk about this.I don't know how nobody is talking about this anymore.

I've been watching youtube alot and started to get tired of it and I didn't know why.

Then I started to notice that the most recent videos I watch the less the youtubers swear.

I don't say you have to swear to make something funny or make great content I'm just saying Youtube is doing this in the rong way.

I watch kubz scouts and I saw that he stopped swearing.Now he wouldn't just one day be like "Im gonna stop swearing".He would have to have a reason.

And I think it's Youtube.This broke my hart because the fact that someone has to change something about themselves because of some stupid rule.

Youtube has an option for kids.A setting to make the videos kid friendly.So why make overal Youtube kid friendly.

Why not make a youtube for kids instead of fucking the website up like this and fucking up other people.

People depend on youtube since it's their job.Not a hobbie it's a job for some people.So youtube can't just fuck everyone over because of this shitty reason.

I don't want this to happen and I just wish I could do something,anything but one person is not enough to change this

I want whoever's reading this to help me get youtube waxk to the way it was when everything was great.

When the cencorship wasn't out of control and if you don't want your kid to watch inappropriate things then they can just do that in the settings.

Please someone help me get this shit better.Get youtube to stop being a bitch.

I am devastated to see the condition of the website I want to invest a job on in the future.I am crying because the thing I use the most to cheer myself up is dying.

I sound like a baby I know but this is serious and this can ruin alot of people so please pleass help me


I beg you

Help me and other people

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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