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One of my friends(You know who you are -_-)have a HUGE shaking problem.Her hands shake all the time and not slowly,very fast.I actually have developed that same problem only...smaller.Not only that it's super annoying it also makes it harder to tipe in stories or texts.It bugs me very much but it doesn't do it as much how jumpy I am.I wasn't always this jumpy.It was actually only now and a month ago.I don't know why but it gets worse each day and I jump to things that happen right in front of me!(Talk about blind bat)I can't say it's because I'm paranoid,because nothing happened to make me paranoid.I read a few horror stories here and there but I ALWAYS did that and they aren't even scary.I know it when a horror book scares me and believe me that's not the case.It's something else but I just don't know what.It could be sleep but...again was never an issue for me and would probably not be one now.I always make my sleeping schedules random for example...monday I slept 21:30 and tuesday I slept 03:00 and then wednesday I slept 00:00.See I did that since last year and I'm still doing it so it can't NOW be a problem.It may not be great for health but I don't think that would make me so paranoid or make my hands so shaky(again not even remotely close to my BF's shaking hands)SO whatevs I'll figure it out.Or maybe I won't.Either way I just want it to stop so I don't have to live with these two burdens....I have ADHD but....ALSO had that for a long time and can't cause this now.There is ome thing that could be the case(Or I'm a fucken idiot with too much story ideas in my head and is now bringing it out to my sad pathetic life.)I can never remember my dreams.The last dream I remembered was a...nightmare?I mean I died and screamed for dear life but it was in a ridiculous way(Octopus in space bit of my head)And my two friends didn't really take it seriously(sounds familiar.I wrote a story were my friends die and we don't give a crap).Further on I don't remember my dreams,I wake up in a LOT of sweat and super tied(no matter how early I sleep)I sometimes remember them for a short time but then my mind just...blanks out and I can't even remember if it was a nightmare or not.Mmmm....did I just solve my problem on my own?Maybe although I still want your opinions.Maybe you guys can come out with beter solutions than me.

Peace out my homies!
(DANG THIS ENTRY IS LONG AS FUCK!Well....atleast longer than MY other entries)

Wait!Before I forget!My friend also told me that one time at a sleepover she turned aroumd and saw me with a blank stare at her and then I very slowly closed my eyes without moving anything else.The next morning I didn't even know about it until she told me...freaky.

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