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Sorry I know I'm really behind in my stuff I haven't even posted my art book yet.I haven't even drawn yet!!!I'm behind in my books too goddammit I'm sorry I promise I'll try to get as much done this vacation(it's vacation in my country).Just stay with me please I'm practically drained because I can't seem to get the energy to do this stuff

Although from the 8nd of July I can't write anything until that friday.I'm going to a place where they can diagnose if I have depression or more then give me medication.I'm honestly glad I'm going since my mom won't take me.So my dad's taking me.Our vacation ends about 17 July so I'll have about 4 days of vacation left.So if my math is right I have 12 days to catch up on my projects sooo yeah that'll be enough days I hope if this misery doesn't last too long.

Alright so some of you might know that I've been readibg fanfictions and watching memes but please don't blame me.I know I can use that time for projects but again I don't feel up to it.I can't write if I'm out of energy and brain juice.So to keep myself busy and get inspiration I read fanfics and I look at memes to feel better so I do these for a PURPOSE!Anyway I gotta go this is already long enough.Damn I'm terrible at ending these but who cares


It's my lifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt