Save Us All

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"Sebastien, I thought that the weed would have been a habit dropped long ago," Carla said, spraying the bottle of Lysol, in her hands.

"I guess old habits, die hard dear sister." Seb outed his cigar, proceeding to rub his head. he was tired and stress from the office caused his relapse.

"I have no idea, how our parents can pretend that your bad habits do not exist" She chuckled 

"I say they know of my anger Lala," he responded

"Yes, God saves us all from the devil's wrath" Carla mocked, exercising her eyes at the same time.

"I know, my favorite sister did not come here to berate me about my very naughty life choices" Sebastien stood and turned his attention to the garden in the back of the house.

"Sean Carte," she said, "Have you heard of him?"

"The womanizing asshole, who runs the Marion hotel chain." Calmly Sebastien turned to face his sister "What about him?"

"He's has set his sights on Caseopia," Taking a breath she walked closer to her brother. "I heard he's sending a representative on Monday, one not even the legendary Sebastien Ameri can't pass up." 

"So he's sending a woman, to do a man's job." placing his head on her shoulder, he closed his eyes "I wonder who she is.? Have you got a clue."

"Not one and as the days go by and my leads turn up empty, I grow anxious" Removing his head she walked to the door leaving his thoughts to wander.

Sebastien had heard about the woman he was supposed to meet on Monday, apparently, the rumors about this ghost were enough to make the world peak with curiosity, some say she was just plain evil, the devil resided in her soul. 

This particular woman sounded perfect for him, in some twisted dark way he thought. The only catch was she worked for someone much darker than him, making her off limits and trouble. Sebastien Ameri had enough trouble for one lifetime, including a woman to that mix would certainly not help him. Women to him were just ticking time bombs, waiting for the right moment to release all the pent-up anger and misery, most times on the wrong person.

So what was his game plan? Simply to meet with her, find out what Carte wanted, decline the offer and send the devil's imp back on her merry way to destroy someone else's hard-earned fortune. His family, however, was off limits to Mr. Carte and every other scheming business man out there.

Monday would come and go like any other day.

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