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Newlyweds (*contains Mature Content)

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(*contains Mature Content)

The newlyweds are now sitting on a table infront of the crowd.

"First of all, let us watch the wedding video of Mr and Mrs Min." The announcer says as Jinhee continued to open her mouth as Suga feeds her with overly big spoonfuls, he attempted to somewhat see her look weird again because it makes him happy but, he didn't succeed since Jinhee's mouth was small but can take big bites.

He has no choice and just feed her chocolate dipped marshmallows.

[dudes I'm sorry, i aint got time to edit a video and stuff like that so... use le power of imagination instead :)) #bestauthorever #sarcasmisreal]

"Why are crying?" Yoongi asked her as she was blotting a tissue to wipe her tears,

"W-what? Your crying too!" She defended as he realises that he was crying.

"That video sure is sugar. And now let us listen to Kim Seokjin, brother of our bride. To sing a song for our Bride and Groom." The announcer said as they cheered for him,

"GO OPPA!" Jinhee yelled accidentally too loud as she covers her mouth with her hand, Yoongi was laughing at her like the audience.

She just glared at him,
"What's funny huh?"

"N-nothing." The masculine and swaggy Suga is terrified of our dear Jinhee.

The instruments are playing,

Jinhee felt very emotional.

Surprisingly, Yoongi didn't laugh at her and instead. He was patting her back and caressing her hair lightly.

The song ended, the crowd praised his voice.

"Now. Let us watch the performance of the newlyweds as they sing variety of songs!"

Say Yes- Loco and Punch (Scarlet Heart OST)

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