Q & Angst Queen™

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(Courtesy to XxBitterDreamsxX for the title)


I tried to mimic Kira's one raised eyebrow expression, but I couldn't. I sighed. "Okay. Control for one chapter. One."

"No shit." Kira rolled her eyes, holding out a hand. I held mine out, meeting her's, and a flash covered my vision.


I opened my eyes and flashed my Host a thin smirk. "Now go sit in the corner and be quiet."

Jay scowled at me, but fell heavily into the chair in the corner and pulled out her phone. I knew the device had captured her attention before her eyes even glazed over. Due to us being the same person, I was forced to tolerate her, but sometimes where her mind was eluded me. What website she was on was the real question.

I took a deep breath, tugging lightly on my cloak before swiftly pulling it off and throwing it in Jay's general direction. As much as I craved control, full control always did make me nervous. Might as well get comfortable.

I pulled out my phone. "Still not sure how great of an idea this was, but let's begin." I scrolled to the first one. "HEREOS-ARE-SLAVES said 'Hey Angst Queen™, it's me, ya girl unoriginal piece of shit'." I lifted my narrowed eyes. "If you're here, you're original." My eyes wandered back to the screen. "'First thing's first, you're cool and you make me feel feelings'. That is - unfortunately - how writing works. But thank you. 'Now that that's out of the way, I'll ask my question: how's your day/week been? Just checkin' in'." I couldn't stop the low chuckle that sounded in my throat. Try as I might, I didn't think I'd ever be used to the curiosity and fondness of the readers. "Being who I am, I am unable to answer 'good' and mean it sincerely. That said. . . it was not too unbearable."

"You're so melodramatic." Jay's voice rang. "I can feel myself gagging on your need for attention." She mock-gagged.

"Be silent." I ordered, turning my attention to the next question. "NinjaBinja asked. . ." My eyes narrowed at the screen, "'Why you so angsty? Jk. What's your favorite color?'." I straightened, a slight smirk laid on my face. As my mouth opened to answer, I was rudely interrupted.

"Read the rest of the comment, Kira."

Apparently, Jay was still alert enough to annoy me. "Fine. 'Black is not a color, it is the absense of light'." My gaze flickered over to my hazy-eyed Host, who immediately turned to throw me a mischievous smirk.

"Yeah, Ki-Ki." She wiggled her eyebrows. "What's your favorite color?"

I could feel heat filling my cheeks as I scowled. "My favorite color is. . ." I shifted, ". . . baby blue."

"I wonder why." Jay snorted as she turned her attention back to whatever the hell she was looking at on her screen.

"Moving on." I hissed. "Next in line is ratherbeabaguette - "


"Shut up. They asked. . ." A smirk graced my face, "'Who's this girl Jay keeps from us?'. Well, I have to answer each question!"

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