You Don't Need Me

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"I wouldn't do that."

Thomas groaned. "Wonderful timing, Anxiety! Please, tell me everything that's going to go horribly wrong so I can feel awful about myself and go hide under the covers, wasting my life." He glared over at the dark trait, lowering his phone.

Anxiety blinked, slightly surprised by the amount of irritation his host was showing. Quickly, it was brushed aside and he smirked. "Well, you and Jon are good friends. At least, you hope. If you ask him out and he says 'no', your friendship will be ruined. He won't want to be around you. Then he'll tell other people about how weird you are and then you'll have no friends because they'll all leave you."

"That's highly...unlikely..." Thomas tried to argue, but it was clear that he was hesitant.

"Hold on!" Roman sprang up, desperate to counter Anxiety's doubt. "You know Jon. He wouldn't do that to you. And he'll say yes because you are a wonderful person and even if he says no, Jon wouldn't let that ruin your friendship."

Thomas sighed, tossing his phone on the couch. "Thanks, Roman, but I'm just gonna make a sandwich." He left, leaving the two opposites.

Roman glared at Anxiety. "Why would you do that? We've been waiting for weeks for this! And you RUINED it!"

"I'm just doing my job, Princey." Anxiety's eyes narrowed. "Not that you would understand, but I'm trying to protect him."

Roman threw his arms up. "From what?! Having a good time? Enjoying himself? Making relationships?! I fail to see how you are doing anything but holding him back!"

The yelling brought Thomas back, who was standing nervously in the doorway, unsure what to do. He silently summoned the other two, figuring they'd have an idea. Logic gave him a quizzical look before noticing the opposites and grimacing. Morality inched closer, not looking to get involved in a fight. "What's going on here, kiddos?"

"Anxiety stopped Thomas from finally asking out Jon!" Roman barked the reply, startling the fatherly trait. "Once again, he had ruined what could've been wonderful!"

Morality gasped. "Roman! That is very unkind!"

Anxiety rubbed his eyes tiredly. "You wouldn't understand, alright?"

"Wouldn't understand what?" It was clear Roman was completely infuriated. "That you are essentially useless to Thomas accept to make him miserable?!"

Everything went silent. Roman was breathing heavily, still glaring at the trait who had shrunk in on himself, eyes wide. Morality's mouth was open and he stared at Roman in shock. Even Logic was at a loss for words, as was Thomas.

Anxiety tried to muster a scalding glare, but he only succeeded in a rather heartbroken look. "Fine." He sunk down, and it was as if a switch had been flipped. Everyone jolted to reality.

"Roman!" Morality stared down the royal, his childness replaced with full-on dad mode. And he was angry. "How could you say such awful things to Anxiety?! He is one of us and you have no right to talk like that!"

Logic watched the two, debating if he was needed, and he glanced at Thomas. Strangely, their host seemed completely at ease, an almost blank expression on his face. "Thomas? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Thomas shrugged, a lazy smile on his face. "I'm gonna get some food and watch TV." With that, he retreated to the kitchen.

"See?" Roman protested. "Thomas isn't upset by it! Besides, I haven't heard you say that what I said was false."

Morality's mouth dropped. "I can't believe you." He too sunk down. Guiltily, Roman thought he saw tears forming in the older trait's eyes. Logic crossed his arms and locked eyes with the royal.

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