Cute New Neighbor

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This is the last fluff! I mean it you guys! I'm not a fluff writer. I am the ANGSTY side, not the fluffy, cutesy, kind-wordsy side. So...

Plus I was given an evil idea from SkyPie29 and I'm looking forward to causing you, them, and myself pain. So enjoy this for now.

Virgil tapped the screen on his phone, bringing him to the group chat with his two friends.

AnxiousMess: so the new neighbors finally finished moving in

DadJokes: Have you talked to them yet???

DadJokes: New friends!! Isn't that exciting??

LogicalMind: Patton, you are aware that one mark of punctuation would suffice, correct?

AnxiousMess: really??? i dont like,,,,,understand??? what you mean???

LogicalMind: I might scream.

DadJokes: Virgil, you didn't answer me!!

DadJokes: I mean, you didn't answer me!

AnxiousMess: no dad i havent met them. im not exactly mr social

A knock on the door interrupted and Virgil wrinkled his nose in confusion. He set his phone down and opened the door. A young man, about his age, stood there looking a bit nervous. He was attractive, with groomed brown hair, mocha eyes, rosy cheeks, and a charming smile. Virgil snapped out of his daze. "...yeah?"

The newcomer rubbed his neck awkwardly. "Greetings and salutations! I believe I'm your new neighbor. My name is Roman." He held out a hand.

Virgil took it hesitantly. "Virgil."

"I was, ah..." Roman chuckled. "I was wondering if I could perhaps borrow an egg? I'm making pancakes and I'm afraid I don't have any eggs."

Virgil blinked. "Sure, yeah." He stepped aside. "You can wait here while I get it."

Roman gratefully stepped inside and Virgil walked to the kitchen, grabbing an egg from the fridge. He returned and handed it to Roman. "Here."

"Thank you." Roman smiled, blushing. "Could you...summarize how to make pancakes?"

Virgil stared at him, arms crossed. " don't cook often, do you?"

"I don't."

Virgil sighed. "Do you want me to come teach you?"

Roman flashed him a grateful, pleading look. "Would you?"

"Give me a second." Virgil walked back to the kitchen and grabbed his phone.

AnxiousMess: cute new neighbor just knocked to ask if he could borrow an egg

AnxiousMess: cute new neighbor asked me if i could summarize how to make pancakes to him

AnxiousMess: now i am going over to his place to teach him how to make them

Before the inevitable responses buzzed in, Virgil went back to Roman and informed him He was ready. They walked the short distance to the neighboring house and Roman lead Virgil to the kitchen.

"Thank you so much for this." Roman repeated. "How do we begin?"

Virgil scoffed. "A bowl, the batter, the eggs, and a pan." He cracked his knuckles. "Alright, newbie. Let's do this."


DadJokes: Virgil what's going on?!!!

DadJokes: Are you still with cute new neighbor???

LogicalMind: Clearly, he left his phone behind.

DadJokes: Our little anxious baby finally has a love!!! They're going to get married and have six kids and three dogs and we're going to be uncles!!!

LogicalMind: Let's approach this one step at a time. Not to mention, we're not related to Virgil at all and we have no proof that they're in love.

AnxiousMess: cute new neighbor now knows how to make pancakes

DadJokes: Does cute new neighbor now know anything else???

AnxiousMess: my number

Did I say fluff I told the truth

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