Case File: Logic

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Name: Sonya

Aspect: Logic

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homoromantic asexual

Place: In front of dresser, between Depression and Anxiety

Identifying Colour: Navy blue

Favorite Musical: Hamilton or Les Miserablés

Favorite Book: Unavailable

Character Most Related To: Unavailable

Abilities: LOCKED

Additional Information:
1. Can play piano

2. Despises chocolate ice cream

3. Binge-watches crime shows

4. Watches cartoons with Morality frequently

5. Once punched Creativity for saying, "Why do you watch Supernatural? Isn't it too illogical for you?"



Update complete

NOTE: The following photos are unusual and Sonya warns that she never wears her hair like this.

Logic update complete.

Stand by for Morality update.

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