Four As One

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TW: Death, suicide

I write angst and you yell at me for crushing your soul. I write fluff and you yell at me to make more angst. What do you want from me?!

You want angst? Fine. Prepare yourself for a chapter of supreme feel-slaughter and intense emotional pain.


Virgil shook as he clutched his stomach in pain, tears pouring down his face. He couldn't even cry for help because the agony engulfing him kept him silent.

'Dammit, Thomas, you're going to regret taking those pills. Just like I regret not telling anyone sooner.'

Anxiety had kept silent, praying that Thomas would come to his senses. He tried to convince himself that he just didn't want to bother the others.

'But that's a lie. You didn't tell them because you knew they'd be happy. You knew they'd laugh and go congratulate Thomas. No one wants you here.'

Anxiety couldn't stop the bitter smile. After all of his suicidal thoughts and failed attempts, he was being offed by someone else. An ironic quote flashed into his head.

'The irony of this is that I never got to write a suicide note.'

Quickly, his smile disappeared as more pain washed over him. He coughed violently, spewing blood from his mouth and dropping completely to the floor. He hoped the others would be okay without him. He knew they'd be better off.

Finally, his eyes closed and he exhaled a final breath just before the door crashed open.

The other three locked in place, stunned by pure horror. Snapping from his shock, Prince tried to lurch forward, only to be pulled back by the other two.

"Roman, it's too late." Logic informed him dejectedly. "I'm sorry. But his room with disappear any moment now."

With finality, the door clicked shut and ceased to exist. Morality choked back a sob and turned away. Prince shook Logic off and bolted, slamming his door behind him. He dropped to his knees, letting ugly sobs escape. His body shook with sorrow and he wondered what happened.

'Virgil wouldn't do that to himself, right? God, what if he did? No. No. He wouldn't...'

Conflicted, Prince only sobbed harder. Anxiety was gone, a true friend gone, a possible love all gone in a matter of moments. Prince's confidence, his composture, his optimism seemed to all have deserted him, leaving him with only heartbreak and hollowness. Grief gripped him with cold talons and demanded he weep.

Prince obliged without resistance. His onslaught of tears had yet to decline and he was quickly growing to hate the empty sensation of longing. He hated all of it. He hated feeling like this, he hated mourning, he hated that Anxiety was gone...

He hated existing.

Virgil would always tease Prince or cheer him up when he was upset - which wasn't often. But without Anxiety, it just didn't seem worth it.

Prince's eyes landed on his dagger. He kept it close to his bed in case of emergency.

This seemed like an emergency.

He grasped the dagger in both hands. Was he really going to do this? Throw his life away? 'If I can see Virgil again, then yes. Forgive me, Thomas. Forgive me, Patton and Logan. I'll miss you.'

Taking a deep breath to summon courage, he plunged the dagger deep into his chest. Pain blossomed instantly and he nearly cried out, tears rolling down his face. A crimson rose decorated his suit from around the dagger.

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