What Did You Do?!

Start from the beginning

"Language!" Morality immediately jumped to the parenting role, turning a stern glare on her counterpart.

"English." Logic mocked back.

Anxiety raised in inquisitive eyebrow, still waiting for an answer. Prince fulfilled the silent request. "Well, long story short, it's a dragon witch's curse. I'm. . . working on it."

"We're doomed." Anxiety moaned.


Anxiety finished brushing her hair and sighed. It had been a solid week and Prince was no closer to finding a cure than he was when it happened. Explaining it to Thomas had been. . . interesting, but he had handled it well enough, all things considered.

Everyone seemed to adjusting in different ways. Morality seemed to accept it just fine, although the first time she had to put on her bra, she got stuck.

Anxiety had spent the first two days wondering why it hurt when she walked normally. Logic then explained that - due to the female shape - it was imperative to narrow the space between feet and sway hips to keep balance.

Logic had become furious when she realized all her ties now sat awkwardly against her blouse and had screamed for a solid minutes. Afterwards, she sat down with some tea and a book, acting as if nothing had happened.

Prince was seemingly unbothered by the developments. She was constantly singing Disney princess songs in their original key or acting out scenes from Heathers to herself. Although, Anxiety frequently caught her staring, red-faced, at them. (Mostly Anxiety, but she ignored that.) She supposed it only made sense, considering that Prince was the only one of them who still retained some attraction to females.

However, despite Prince's valiant efforts, it seemed like they were going to be stick as females for a while.

Anxiety sighed as she stared at her ceiling - by choice this time. Her new form had benefits - and yes, she was known to complain about her old body - but it just. . . wasn't right.

She missed herself.

She sat upright. "Did I just. . . admit that to myself?" She breathed. "I miss myself. . ." She spoke again. The words rolled off her tongue and she realized she meant them. She missed herself and she missed being herself.

"It's about damn time."

Anxiety bolted up to her feet, eyes wide and panicked. "Who's there?!"

The shadows converged before forming a unfamiliar figure, wearing a deadpan expression. She was slightly taller than Anxiety, only showing the right side of her face. Her lips were dark and pressed thin in annoyance. A black leather jacket took place on her shoulders over a yellow crop top. A short black skirt laid over top black tights and black boots. When she turned her face completely towards Anxiety, her identity became clear.


Deceit rolled her mismatched eyes. "Do you know how hard it was to hold out for a week?"

The door crashed open and Prince stood there, panting. "I got. . . your text." She looked up. "It worked?"

"Obviously." Deceit hissed, crossing her arms, where fingerless yellow gloves cling to her pale hands. Yellow and black pattered each nails as they drummed against her triceps.

Anxiety's gaze swiveled between them. "What the actual hell is going on?! Are. . . are you behind this?!" She jabbed a finger at the snake-faced facet.

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