Guardian Angel Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I stared at him. Why did he just call me sweetheart?

“Hi?” I answered. He laughed.

“That’s all I get for saving your butt?” He said jokingly. I laughed half-heartedly.

 “I did want to say thanks for helping me with Terra.” I said.

 “Well I accept your appreciation.” He said. “But I do need to talk to you.” He said serious all of the sudden.

“Okay, shoot.”

“I need you to come with me.” He said.

“I- I can’t just skip class.” I stammered. He chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it covered.” He said. I didn’t know what he meant. But I followed him. He led me to his car.

“I’m not going in your car!” I yelled. He smiled. Then grabbed me and put me into the car.

“Just trust me.” He said. Was this guy kidding? I started to fight back, but it was useless. He was a lot stronger than me. He looked at me as if he was trying to tell me something. I stopped resisting and laid back into the seat. Could I trust him? I wasn’t sure.

He drove to the old cemetery. I was freaked out, why was he taking me to a cemetery? He got out and so did I. He went over to one gravestone that read. Louis John Grahame. I had no idea who the man was, but it seemed important to Jason. His expressions were stone hard. I stared at him. Then he started to tell me the story behind him.

“Louis was my grandfather on my mother’s side. He was killed by a supernatural creature mainly called a demon. My grandfather was a creature known as a guardian angel. An angel that choses one human to protect from any kind of danger.  My grandfather, before he was killed, turned me into a guardian angel. “He paused and looked at me. “ Freaked out yet?” He asked me.

“Wait, a guardian angel, like the ones in nursery folktales?”

“Yes, like those.”  “Those are myths, they don’t exist.”

“They do. Remember how I saved you from Terra kicking your butt. Well, this may sound strange but I am your guardian angel.”

“Prove it then.” I said with more confidence than I felt. He sighed and lifted up his shirt sleeve. Revealing a scar on his forearm.

“Touch it, and then you’ll see that I’m not lying.” He said. I bit my bottom lip. Resisting the request. I took one deep breath and gently put one finger on his scar. Suddenly a rush of warm air seemed to transport me into an alternate universe. I was suddenly in an ally. Walking slowly down it. I noticed that I was looking at a memory. There was a mob of boys standing in my way.

“Hey babe, why don’t you come home with us?” One of them said. I shuddered at the memory.

“No thanks. Now I need to go.” I said.

“Not until you come with us.” They grabbed my arms and started to pull me away.

“Help me, please someone help!” I yelled.

“Someone please shut her up!” Another guy said. One guy stuffed a bandanna into my mouth. Suddenly a dark figure came to view.

“Let the girl go.” It said.

“No dude, but if you want some, you can come with us.” The first guy said. Suddenly the guy came from the shadows. I gasped and saw that it was Jason. He grabbed the guy and threw him against the wall. The man’s body made a sickening sound from the hard impact.

“Now does anyone else want to be like that?” He asked them. They all shook their heads and dropped me. They all ran from Jason.

I was transported back into the real world. I stared at Jason with bewilderment.

“Y-y-you saved me from that gang?” I asked him. He nodded his head. I suddenly felt lightheaded. I dropped to my knees then sat on the ground. Jason sat next to me and put his hand on mine. I felt the gears turning in my head.

“Why me?” I asked him.

“You are the one person who attracted me the most.” He said. I sighed and stood up.

“Can you take me home? I don’t want to go back to school.”

“Sure.” He said quietly. I climbed into his car and laid back into the seat. I came to the conclusion that Jason is a guardian angel that is destined to protect me from danger. His grandfather was killed by his enemy a demon. So why did he need to tell me this? I guess the more I hung out with him, the more answers I would get.

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