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Well guys I can't tell you how awesome it is to get feedback from you guys.

You all were confused with the characters and their personalities. So I've come up with a solution, a sequel.

Yes I am very reluctant to making a sequel because the last time I made a sequel no body read it. Like I mean nobody!

So please I'm doing a sequel for you guys. You are the reason Guardian Angel is continuing.

Now I am going to add some characters to my story so some of my fans will be a character!!

I know that you guys don't know Austin or Kelsey, or Terra all that well, so expect them to be more in the story!

You all will also experience more of Jason's dark side and more of intense Andrew.

Also expect to see more stories come out. I have no idea what they will be but stay attentive.

Please enjoy the sequel because it will improve, I promise.

Love all you grammar nazis!



Stay awesome grammar nazis!

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