Chapter Two

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Caroline wakes up with a throbbing headache. Her fingertips pinch the bridge of her nose as she sits up from her bed, peering around the room. It's her normal apartment, and everything is as usual, but something is off, and she just can't put her finger on it.

She shrugs it off, instead focusing on getting ready. She lets the shower faucet run for a few seconds to heat up as she stares herself down in the mirror.

Her eyes are tired, red and blotchy from possibly crying but she just doesn't remember about what. Her mind hurts as she attempts to recall the last few hours of her life, only to come to the realization that she in fact can't remember the last few hours and days clearly.

Her breathing quickens, but she shakes her head, blaming it on a possible late night of drinking that she somehow forgot entirely of. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened after all...

She sends a quick text to Elena, and then to Bonnie, both stating the same thing:

Was I with you last night?

Caroline then proceeds to jump in the shower, letting the hot water run down her bare body, as if mending the numerous scars running down her arm which she also can't recall how they ended up there. Her fingertips trace the red marks and she sighs.

Caroline takes her time, lathering her hair with fruity smelling shampoo and conditioner.

Her head suddenly aches as a memory floods into her mind: "Mhm, your hair smells good today, love. Did you use a new shampoo?"

She jumps, the stranger's words in her mind replaying over and over. What- who was that?

She quickly finishes up in the shower, turning the water off and changing into some black skinny jeans and an off the shoulder blue sweater.

She scans the text messages, first from Elena:
No, why?

Caroline quickly replies:
I don't really know, just me at the coffee house, k?

She then checks Bonnie's text, praying to God that she says they got drunk together to stop her frantic worrying about not being able to remember anything. Her face drops when she reads the text:
Nope, I was with Elena. Why? Everything ok?

Caroline responds:
Come to the coffee house, something's wrong I think.

She pulls on her black boots, shaking her head dismissively at her worried thoughts as she heads outside of her apartment, locking her door behind her. She makes her way down the street to a local coffee shop Elena, Bonnie, and her always go to.

When she enters the quaint little place, Elena and Bonnie are already sitting at the table basically known as their table since they sit at it so frequently. Caroline gives a gentle smile, only to receive concerned stares back.

"Is everything okay, Care? Your texts sounded urgent," Bonnie questions, her tone serious.

Caroline takes a seat, thanking Elena as she hands her a much needed cup of coffee. She sips it down, well, gulps it down, hoping the caffeine helps her to wake up a bit.

"So?" Elena asks impatiently.

Caroline puts down her coffee, "I'm sorry if I worried you, it's just... something feels off. I don't know what it is, but all I know is that I woke up this morning with no memory of what happened yesterday."

Elena practically giggles at this, "something tells me you got completely wasted."

Caroline frowns at her joking manner, "I'm serious."

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