"Well, I'm not leaving the house, so good luck," Castiel says.

"That doesn't change anything," Dean says confidently. "If I can't bring you to the fun, I'm going to bring the fun to you, but either way, you will go to bed tomorrow showered in more fun than you know what to do with."

Castiel raises an eyebrow, and he can't hide his amused smile at that. "Really? Well, now I really can't wait to see what you have planned."

"Heh, yeah, funny story," Dean says. "I have nothing planned. Literally nothing — well, not nothing nothing, but essentially nothing. But in 24 hours, expect that 'nothing' to become a really big something! Because I am the master planner, and I will think of something if it kills us both!" After a pause, he adds, "Well, actually, I think I'm gonna try to get us both out of here alive, but you get the point." Dean takes Castiel's hand, tapping his engagement ring with his thumb. "Tomorrow is your first birthday as an engaged man, and I will not let you down!"

Castiel chuckles. "If you had told me five years ago that I'd be engaged before I turned 23, I would have called you crazy."

"You call me crazy all the time anyway," Dean says, waving a hand dismissively. "Besides, 23 isn't too young to have your life together. You've managed it surprisingly well. Couple bazillion dollars in the bank, an annoying soon-to-be-husband constantly bothering you, and a giant golden award thingy on the kitchen counter."

"How much is a bazillion dollars?" Castiel asks, amused.

"Enough to buy a crap ton of Hershey kisses, that's for sure," Dean says.

"And do you honestly not know what that 'giant golden award thingy' is?" Castiel asks.

"It's a giant golden award thingy," Dean replies. "Why?"

Castiel shakes his head at the boy. "It's a Grammy, dumbass."

"That's your grandmother?" Dean asks in exaggerated shock. "God, imagine fuck—"

"And we're done here," Castiel interrupts, standing up to walk away.

Dean stands up as well, taking his hand quickly. "You can never escape me."

"Oh no. This is tragic," Castiel deadpans. "Whatever shall I do?"

"Oh, I know," Dean agrees. "That's so sad. Alexa, play 'Despacito.'"

"I swear to god, Dean, if I hear one electro-Spanish word come out of your speaker—" Castiel says, his voice a warning.

"Ah, I don't have anything with Alexa, don't worry," Dean says dismissively. "You know what I can do, though?"

Castiel cocks his head in confusion. "I'm both scared and interested to see where you're going with this."

"Hold on."

Dean jogs out of the room, returning a few moments later with his phone in his hand. He's giving it his full attention until he puts it on the table, and with a single tap, it starts playing the familiar song Castiel can't help but smile at.


Dean grins. "Kansas, baby!" He walks over and takes Castiel by the hand, pulling him into the middle of the room.

"What are you doing?" Castiel asks.

"Dancing, Cas." Dean wraps his arms around his fiancé's waist and pulls him close. "We're dancing."

Castiel smiles to himself and drapes his arms over Dean's shoulders. "You're so cheesy." He rests his head against his fiancé's chest. "I love it."

"I know you do," Dean replies.

There's a minute or so of silence between them, just the sound of Kansas' "Dust in the Wind" playing in the background as they sway back and forth, and Castiel can't wipe the smile off his face. It's just him and Dean, the love of his life, listening to his favorite childhood song.


"Isn't this a little sad to dance to?" Castiel asks.

"Ah, good point," Dean agrees, letting go of his fiancé and walking back over to his phone. Castiel waits patiently as he scrolls through his music, then says, "So, obviously, most of my classic rock music is on the cassettes in the impala which means it's not on my phone, but I do have this."

He hits play, and the familiar soft guitar chord Castiel's grown to love in his long-standing Bon Jovi obsession plays as Dean walks back over, pulling him in again. Castiel puts his arms over Dean's shoulders, resting his head against Dean's chest, and sways back and forth again.

"How'd you know I like this song?" Castiel asks quietly.

"It's a Bon Jovi love song," Dean replies. "I figured it was right up your alley."

All Castiel says is, "Well, good call."

"Besides," Dean says, "I think it's a really fitting song." There's a brief pause as Dean waits for the right part to come, then sings along softly, "'Ask me how we've come this far. The answer's written in my eyes. Every time I look at you, baby I see something new, that takes me higher than before and makes me want you more." Dean presses a kiss to the top of his fiancé's head. "If there's one thing Bon Jovi did right, it was this song, because Cas, I'm all about loving you."

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