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Vivians POV
I woke up the next day with a pounding headache and nausea.

"Ugh I fucking hate hangovers." I walk downstairs Sebastian, Chris and Tom eating breakfast.

"Morning girly" Sebastian said.

"Shhh not so loud. Why the hell are you yelling?" I asked

"I'm not" he said. I sat across from Chris and he just looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Sweetie do you remember anything from last night?" He asked me.

"I remember taking shots and drinking other things then you dragged me to play spin the bottle and I kissed someone I'm not sure who. Then I ended up at my parents house and someone followed me and threw me over his shoulder and brought me home" I said laying my head on my arm.

"Vivian you here?" Someone yelled.

"Shhhh not to loud" I said

"Woah Viv you look like you crawled up from hell" Ashton said.

"Wow thanks Ash. What do you want?" I asked.

"Viviannnnnnnnn" he whined

"Ashton stop whining what do you want?" I asked. He pulled out an envelope.

"Will you throw Amber a gender reveal party?" He asked

"I've already been planning it" I said

"Now you do me a favor please?" I asked him

"What's up?" He asked. I pulled out a $50 bill.

"Will you go get some Advil and all of us and you coffee please." I asked

"Fine but just because your my best friend" he said. He walked out. I went on my phone and went on Snapchat and instagram. There were videos from last night everywhere.

"Sebastiannnnn?" I asked

"Yes?" He answered.

"Will you or Chris tell me who I ended up kissing last night? Idk where Tom went or id ask him" I said shrugging.

"Ok you kissed Tom" Sebastian said.

"I did?" I asked and they nodded.

"I'm so confused. He kissed me the other day and we haven't talked about it or anything" I said sighing

"Oooooohhh" I heard from them and I just laughed.

"Shut it" I said

"TOM!" I yelled out hating myself after. I looked over at Sebastian and Chris and they sat there and smiled to me.

"What's up buttercup?" He asked coming down. Then it hit me. I don't wanna ruin our friendship I can't say anything.

"Viv?" He asked

"Oh uh coffee is on its way for us..." I said and smiled a small smile.

"Great" he said and sat by Sebastian. I went over and leaned my head on Sebastian's shoulder. Him and Chris are like my brothers. Someone knocked on the door and I thought it was Ashton.

"Come in Ash!" I yelled. Nope. Wasn't him.

"Adam what are you doing here?" I asked him shocked.

"Listen to me Vivian. I'm sorry for everything. I'm ready to have kids now and I'm so sorry for the past please take me back I made a mistake." He said.

"Dude that was a year ago. I had a kid since then and no I'm not taking you back. You went off to New York for work and slept with someone-" I got cut off by dad walking in.

"Vivian here's your son" my dad said. I walked over and picked Seb up and held him on my hip.

"Adam leave!" I said.

"Uh bye Viv love ya" my dad said walking out.

"Just one question" he said.

"One minute. Chris come grab Seb" I said. He came and picked him up and he 3 boys listened in.

"What's your question?" I asked

"Is he mine?" He asked

"No. He's Charlie's. You left. I got back together with Charlie, got pregnant with Sebastian. Charlie proposed and I said yes. Then he got this tv offer in Paris and us ended In a fight. So no he's Charlie's son. Not like Charlie cares anymore" I mumbled the last part.

"Can you go now? I have things to do" I said. He left and I sighed walking back into the kitchen.

"You alright, love?" Tom asked.

"Oh uh yeah I'm ok. Can I have my baby back please?" I asked with a giggle.

"Nah I'm good how I am." Chris says. I roll my eyes and walk up to my room.

30 minutes later and a knock on he door.

"Hey Viv?" Sebastian asked

"Yeah? What's up?" I asked

"The movie premiere in China is this weekend. Wanna go with me? You'll meet the actors and actresses again" he said sitting on my bed.

"Wait Seriously?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah why not" He said.

"Yes I'll go with you! When do we leave?" I asked him.

"In 2 days" he said.

"Thank you. I have to pack and get a dress" I said panicking.

"Hey Hey Hey calm down. I've got ya" he said and walked out of the room. Fuck I need a babysitter. I thought. I quickly put some sweats on and a t-shirt grabbed my phone and shoes and ran across the street. I ran inside and everyone was upstairs.

"FAMILY MEETING IN KITCHEN!!" I yelled out. I probably look like a crazy person. Everyone came running down and to the kitchen.

"What's up?" Elton asked

"So Sebastian invited me to go with the guys to China for the movie premiere there. My dates gonna be Sebastian and I just need a babysitter for that weekend" I said.

"I'll watch him" Devyn said

"Thanks Dev your a life saver. I've gotta go I'll text you!" I yelled walking out. I text Amber and told her she was excited for me. I went back home and it was late so I put Seb in bed and fell asleep.

Life//book 5 to Colby Brock series Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin