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Vivians pov.

Everyone went home after they helped me bring my stuff. I turned my speaker on and turned rumors on by Jake Miller. I put my hair up and started to get to work. I'm having a house warming party next weekend. It's nice being in a house by yourself. I finally finished everything at 5 pm.

Just then my phone made a noise saying I have a text from the group chat

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Just then my phone made a noise saying I have a text from the group chat.

Group chat
Sam- party at our house starts a 7. Our place!

Kat- Vivian you have to come.

Colby- yesss Viv come!

Aaron- ^^

Vivian- you do realize like I'm pregnant right?

Kat-sooooo I partied when I was pregnant. So did your mom. We just didn't drink....

Ava- true story.

Vivian- fine I'll be there at 7

I sighed and went to go take a shower. After a 20 minute long shower I got out and started to get ready. I wasn't showing that much so I decided to wear something that I won't be able to wear soon.
After an hour I was finally ready.

It was 6:55 and I grabbed my phone and charger and headed over there

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It was 6:55 and I grabbed my phone and charger and headed over there. Amber and Ashton were meeting me here. I could hear the music and there were a bunch of people there. I walked through the front door and the smell of alcohol hit me. I held my stomach and walked farther in. I couldn't see any of my family or friends yet. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some apple juice... don't judge me.

"Hey pretty girl. Why don't I take you home tonight?" A drunk guy asked me.

"No thanks" i said.

"Please pretty woman."  He said. I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Do you know who lives here?" I asked him

"Colby Brock and his friends and family" he said

"Yeah well Colby Brock's my dad. I'm also pregnant so leave me alone!" I said walking away from him.

"People are so annoying" I said under my breath. I walked upstairs and went to my old room. I sat on the floor and sighed.

"Partying when your pregnant is so boring" I said. I laid back on the floor and started talking.

"Hey baby. It's your mommy. I'm sorry but I'm gonna give you up for adoption. But I'll always know you because your gonna have Devyn and Corey which are my aunt and uncle as your parents. I love you so much kiddo" I said poking my belly. I stood up and walked back downstairs to drunk people.

"Ugh I hate drunk people smh" I said to myself. I saw the dude who was hitting on me standing on the island.

"That's the bitch who turned me down" he slurred.

"She said she was pregnant she's only what 18? That slut!" He yelled as everyone was looking at me. I walked over to the island stood up on t to where I could see everyone and slapped him.

"Bitch!" He yelled as he held his cheek.

"That's what you get for treating a girl like shit!" I said and got back down. Everyone clapped.
I've only been here an hour and I already wanna leave. I thought to myself as I walked out. I text the group chat.

Vivian- Hey I'm leaving.

Whatever everyone is probably drunk. I walked back to my house. I walked inside and kicked my heels off. I walked up to my room and changed into some pajamas remembering my gender revel party's tomorrow at noon.  I sighed and watched some tv before going to sleep.

I woke up at midnight screaming and crying and breathing hard.

"Wow I haven't had one of those dreams in forever." I said getting up. I grabbed my phone and keys and locked up my house walking across to my family's house. There were still some people but not as much. I went and sat on the couch and just watched everyone else party. By one everyone was gone or passed out on the floor. No one realized I was there and ended up just falling asleep.

I woke up at 7:37 to no one up yet. So I went back to my place. I made some breakfast and ate it only to throw it all back up. I threw some clothes on and makeup and headed across the street at 10. I was finally starting to show and I was excited cause it's like a pool party. I walked into the house and everyone was rushing around. Amber and Ashton were sitting at the table and Adam was meeting us here later.

"Hey" I said to them.

"Hey!" Amber said hugging me.

"Ahh your starting to show!" Ashton said hugging me.

"I know I'm so happy it's a pool party today." I said. Just then Adam and the family walked into the kitchen.

"Hey babe" he said kissing me.

"Heyy" I said back to him.

"Viv What happened last night?" Dad asked.

"Oh this random dude tried hitting on me and o said no so I went upstairs for a little while and saw him standing on the island saying what happened when I came back down. Then he called me a slut and I slapped him in front of everyone. Then I decided to go home so I did and fell asleep then I had a dream about the accident and woke up screaming so I came back here around 12:30ish last night. Woke up at 7:30 and went back home" I said to them.

"Oh. The party starts soon" Sam said.

"Cool" I said grabbing some orange juice

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