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Vivians pov.
We all went inside. Me and Charlie changed them went downstairs.

"Well I have to go. Congrats" he said

"Goodbye Charlie it's been good knowing you" Colby said. Me and Charlie walked out and got into the car. I drove him to the airport. There wasn't a lot of traffic so that was nice. We sat in the car for a minute before we went inside.

"Guess this is it..." he said to me.

"Yeah" I said back. He pulled me into a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you Vivian. Send pictures?" He asked me.

"Of course. I love you." I said to him kissing him.

"I love you more" he said back kissing me harder. Then we heard the announcement saying that the flight was boarding.

"Goodbye Charlie" I said with tears streaming down my face messing my mascara up.

"Goodbye Vivian" he said and walked away. I drove back home and everyone was watching a movie when I walked in.

"Hey" I said softly.

"Hey Viv why don't you go put some pajamas on and come watch a movie with us" mom said

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep. I have a photo shoot tomorrow. congrats mom and dad. Goodnight everyone."

Skip to her waking up
I sighed got up and threw some jeans and a shirt on. I didn't put any makeup on cause I'm getting mine done. I walked downstairs to everyone up except my parents.

"Hey everyone" I said

"Hey Viv did you hear your parents last night?" Elton asked

"No what happened?" I asked.

"Well lets just say you could hear the bed squeak from Florida" he said and everyone except me laughed.

"EWWWWWWW I did not need to know that" I said

"Know what?" My dad asked behind me

"That you and mom had sex last night" I said shivering.

"Anywaysss I have to go. Gotta get Starbucks before work" I said.

"Bye" I said and walked out. I got in my car and started it. I blasted the radio and drove to Starbucks. I went in Obviously. Not a long line for once.

"Hi can I get a venti iced Carmel macchiato?" I asked.

"That would be $5.27" she said. I handed her the money.

"What's your name?" She asked

"Vivian Brock" she wrote it on the cup and I went to wait for it to be done.

"ONE ICED CARAMEL MACCHIATO FOR VIVIAN BROCK?" The person yelled. I grabbed it and started walking out but was stopped.

"Vivian?"  I turned around and was not expecting what I saw next.

"Adam?" I asked him

"Yeah how are you?" He asked he was still hot

"I'm good. Um I've gotta go to work but I live in the same house. Be there in 2 hours wanna come over?" I asked him.

"I would love to" he said.
I walked out of the place and drove to work. I walked in and went to my spot.

"Viv boss wants ya" Eric said. Fuck! Is all I thought to myself. I put my stuff down and walked over to his office.

"Mr F you wanted me?" I asked

"Ahh Yes Vivian please come in and sit" I did as he said

"Vivian your our best model here. I saw that your pregnant and first I wanna Congratulate you on it. Next model till you star to show then I want you to do pregnancy modeling. Then you get paid maternity leave." He said smiling.

"Thank you!" I said and walked out. The rest of the day went by fast and I headed home. I walked in to the house to them starting to film.

"What are you guys filming?" I asked

"Roommate Q&A. Wanna join?" Sam said

"Obviously" I said and sat down.

"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby!" dad yelled.

"We asked you on Twitter to ask us questions so here we go!"

"Vivlover72 asked Vivian will you marry me?" Sam asks

"Sorry I cant. My best friends getting married I don't wanna steal there thunder" I said shrugging my shoulders. They answered a couple more questions until they hit ally about me.

"Someone asked Vivian is it true your pregnant?" Colby asks.

"Why yes I am. There will be a video up on my channel tomorrow about it." I said to the camera.

"Ok that's all were gonna answer. Go check out everyone's channels and subscribe. Everything in the link below. Check out Vivians video going up. Thanks for watching!" They said and turned the camera off.

"Is Amber and Ashton coming over?" My mom asked.

"Nah there wedding planning" I said. I heard a knock on the front door.

"Ooh that's for me" I said walking over to get it. I opened it and Adam stood there.

"Hey!" I said and hugged him.

"Hey princess" he said.

"Come on In" I said and he walked in. We walked into the game room.

"Everyone you remember Adam?" I asked they all said yes.

"Good. Can I film in here?" I asked

"Yeah we are gonna sit in here and watch though" Sam said

"Radical. Im gonna grab my camera" I ran upstairs and grabbed it leaving Adam downstairs with everyone. I went back down and set my camera up on the tripod.

"Ok I'm gonna press start so keep quiet and just watch I guess" I said. I pressed record and sat on the couch.

"What's up guys! It's ya girl Vivian here back for another video. So this videos gonna be a little different. I'm not editing it I'm just gonna upload it once in done filming. It's an important video. So I'm not sure if you all know but I announced on my Instagram that I'm pregnant. Yes I'm only 18 yes I'm going through with it. So I found out the day I graduated and kinda freaked out. Then my lovely aunt Devyn and uncle Corey said they will adopt the baby cause I cannot have a baby. The father is not in the picture. That's a story for  another time but not right now. It's just me, my family and my friends" I said and glanced over to Adam smiling at me.

"Anyways please don't hate or anything. Follow me on all social media and yeah subscribe. Like. See ya next video. Love you all" I got up and turned the camera off. I sighed. Adam stood up and kissed me and I did not expect it.

"Vivian Brock will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked me

"Yes!!" I said and kissed him.

Life//book 5 to Colby Brock series Where stories live. Discover now