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Vivians pov
I woke up the next day at 10:30. I rolled over to Sebastian and smiled.

"Babe we should get up" I said to him.

"Do we have to?" He asked

"Yeah. You have a big day. And I want some coffee" I said laughing.

"Ugh fine I'm gonna go shower" he said. He got up and went into the bathroom. I got some clothes on and grabbed my phone and wallet.

"I'm gonna go find a coffee shop" I yelled walking out.

"Ok bye babe" he yelled back. I just smiled and left. I went on Instagram while I was walking and ran into someone.

"Omg I'm so sorry" I said. I looked up and saw Chris.

"Viv you scared me" he said laughing.

"Hey I'm gonna try to find a coffee shop wanna come with?" I asked.

"Sure" he said. We walked out of the hotel and found somewhere. We just ordered regular coffee. We got our drinks and sat down.

"So how's your trip going?" He asked me.

"Pretty good" I said smiling.

"Ooh what's with the smile?" He asked me

"Well you can't tell anyone. Sebastian asked me out last night and I said yes" I said smiling.

"Oh my god congrats" he said to me. We talked for awhile after and went back to the hotel. We went into our separate rooms to get ready. Saying it's at 5 today. It was 1 now.

"I'm back" I said.

"Hey How was exploring the town?" He asked

"Great. Chris came with me. I have to start getting ready" I said and kissed him.

3 hours later.

I was finally ready.

The guys were down in the lobby waiting for me so I grabbed my phone and key card and went downstairs

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The guys were down in the lobby waiting for me so I grabbed my phone and key card and went downstairs. I took the elevator. The doors opened once I got down and the guys were standing there.

"Woah" they all said

"I know" I said. I took Sebastian's arm and we walked out. We got into the car taking up there and I got more and more nervous the closer we got to the place. The car stopped and someone opened the door. I could hear fans yelling and cheering. Chris and Tom got out and I sat there for a minute.

"Come on babe. We should get out" Sebastian said handing his hand to me. I took it and smiled. We got out hand in hand and went to pose for photos.

"Sebastian is this your girlfriend?" He got asked a lot Of questions. He didn't answer instead he kissed me for a couple photos and everyone went crazy. We smiled for a couple more photos and then went in and met with everyone. We all went and sat in our spots. I sat next to Sebastian and Chris.

The movie ended and everyone clapped. Sebastian and I walked out of the theater and my phone was blowing up. I pulled up Instagram and the photo of us kissing was everywhere. We got into the car to go back to the hotel to change into a different outfit for a party.

 We got into the car to go back to the hotel to change into a different outfit for a party

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We went to the party and everyone greeted us and everything.

"I'm gonna go get a drink" I said to Sebastian.

"Alright" he said and kissed me. I went to the bar and got some wine. I went back and danced the night away.

Time skip 2 days

We got back about 5 minutes ago and we're on our way back to our place.

"I miss my son" I whined in the car.

"You get to see him in a couple minutes" Sebastian said and kissed my forehead. We drove and finally got back to the house. We got inside and dropped our stuff.

"Come on let's go get him" I said taking Sebastian's hand. We walked inside there house with Sebastian's arm around me.

"I'm back" I yelled out.

"Cousin Vivian!!" Noah, Liam and Nadia yelled coming in.

"Hey guys. We're uncle Colby and Aunt Ava?" I asked.

"Everyone's sitting out back" Nadia said. I smiled at her and Sebastian and I walked outside hand in hand.

"Hey everyone" I said.

"Hey Viv How was it?" Corey asked

"Amazing" I said. I smiled up to Sebastian and looked at everyone smiling.

"What?" I asked.

"Girl you guys are all over Instagram and Twitter. Congratulations you too!" Kat said.

"Oh thanks. Where's my boy?" I asked.

"Upstairs in his crib" Devyn said.

"I'll be right back" I said and kissed Sebastian. I ran upstairs to the room.

"My baby!!" I said and picked him up. I went back downstairs and outside.

"I missed you" I said and kissed his cheek.

Life//book 5 to Colby Brock series Where stories live. Discover now