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Ok so there 17 and 18 now.  Pretend the family other then them don't really age. Idk I don't want the roommates to get older.

Vivians pov
I woke up to the space by me empty. Hmm he must've left already. Forgetting about all of the hickeys on my neck I went downstairs in a tank top and booty shorts with my hair in a messy bun.

"What's up my family?" I asked smiling

"Not much. We saw your little friend leaving fast not too long ago" Sam said everyone looked over to me and gasped.

"What do I have a pimple?" I asked

"Nope" Devyn said handing me her compact mirror. I opened it and saw all of the hickeys leading down to my boobs. I turned red.

"Oh my god I have school tomorrow wtf Charlie" I mumbled.

"Uh What was that?" My dad asked.

"Oh um I said thanks a lot Charlie" I said nervously. Just then the door opened and Charlie walked in.

"Sorry babe I forgot something" he said. He started walking upstairs.

"Stop right there mr!" I said giggling.

"Yes beautiful?" He asked

"Look" I said pointing to my neck.

"Thanks for the hickeys you left last night idiot" I said to him.

"Anytime" he said back to me causing us to burst out laughing.

"Charlie?" I asked in front of everyone

"Yes?" He answered

"What are we?" I asked him.

"Well Vivian Brock will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Why yes I would love too" I said to him.

"Nice" he said kissing me.

"You might as well stay everyone saw the hickeys already" I said. We went and sat down at the table with everyone.

"How was filming?" I asked.

"It was so scary I thought we were gonna get murdered" Corey said and I laughed. Amber walked into the kitchen.

"Viv I have to tell you something" she said.

"What is-" she cut me off.

"You had sex last night" she said

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"First your glowing next you have hickeys going down to your boobs" she said.

"Anyways Charlie will you be my date to my parents wedding? Amber and I are in it" I asked

"I would love to" he said kissing my cheek. Amber walked over to me and whispered in my ear.

"Ashton gave me a promise ring last night" she said pulling away.

"HE DID NOT!!" I said jumping up. I hugged her.

"What?"my dad asked.

"Ashton gave me a promise ring he said he's gonna propose after we graduate" Amber said

"Congrats." He said. Charlie's phone started to ring and he answered it.

"Hello?" He asked

"No way! Open it!" He said

"Oh my god yes I'll be back my noon!" He said and hung up.

"What's up baby?" I asked

"I got into a modeling school in New York" he said jumping up and hugging me.

"OH MY GOD BABY THATS GREAT!" I said kissing him.

"Wait we graduate on Friday" I said realizing it.

"Yeah I'm moving to New York after your parents wedding" he said

"Wait what your leaving?" I asked

"Yeah I have to I'm sorry Viv" he said back to me.

"We have till after your parents wedding..." he said to me. Me and Amber aren't gonna go to college. We're modeling.

"Oh ok. Damn why do all my relationships end with someone moving away" I said giving a sad laugh.

"I've gotta go start to pack bye babe" Charlie said kissing me.

"Bye" I said back to him.

"I kinda wish Adam never moved away and stuff" I said to Amber.

"I know. Maybe he will come back." She said

"I doubt it" I said to her

Life//book 5 to Colby Brock series حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن