Chapter 29

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Down to earth



"Hang on. Let me get this straight you and Einstein we're together all weekend and all you did was work?" Odd asks Aelita.

"Well we had to work on the super scan."

"Yeah right, you guys are worse than Yumi and Ulrich." Odd explained.

Ulrich and Yumi look at each other.

"Hey." Ulrich yells.

"Well it's true, your both always trying to convince us your both good friends." Odd explained.

Ulrich and Yumi blush.

"By the way where is Einstein?" Odd asks.

"I don't know, I'm a little worried about him..."

Aelita's phones rings.

"That's him now." Aelita answers her phone, "yes Jeremy alright I was beggining to worry where are you?"

Jeremy appears sneaking up behind Aelita.

"Right behind you." Jeremy replied.

"Your so silly."

"Got some good news Jeremy?" Yumi asks.

"Just a little, I finally found a way to wipe out Xana." Jeremy replied.

A few minutes later

"Are you absolute sure a multi-agent system?" Yumi asks.

"Yep, that's it. I decided to go over all of Franz Hopper notes again as well as the data he got from Xana as he was escaping from the network." Jeremy replied. Jeremy goes on with how he plans on using all of this data.

"Oh wow." Yumi replied.

"Uh, and you think William or Harry will twiddle with their thumbs while Aelita enters the program?" Ulrich asks.

"I said it was simple not easy."

"You forgot one little detail. What if Xana sends his King Kong like last time?" Odd asks.

"Just think of it being another one of Xana's monsters you have to fight against."

"Maybe we should introduce you to him." Ulrich laughed.

"Hey fighting is your job, programming is my job you all know that."

"If there's a chance of bringing the real William and Harry back then what are we waiting for let's go." Aelita replied.

"Yeah no reason to wait."

The whole gang leaves Jeremy's room.

A few minutes later

"William?" Jim yelled.

William walks over to Jim alone as the other students left.

"Didn't you hear me call you Dunbar?" Jim asks.

"No, but sorry I don't have a phone."

"Trying to be clever, uh I'm not that dumb. If you think can pull the whool over my ears you're wrong. You're parents are here to see you." Jim explains.

"My parents? But who are they?"

"Would you stop acting so stupid Dunbar, they're waiting for you in the principles office now get going." Jim explains.

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