chapter 10

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I'd Rather Not Talk About It

In the forest

Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, Aelita, Harry, and Kiwi are running through the forest.

"Come on, let's move it a little faster faster" Jeremy tells them.

"I don't believe it he's trying to kill us" Aelita says.

Odd falls to the ground.

"You guys are ridiculous you're way too slow, what a bunch of snails, except you Odd even a snail runs faster than you" Jeremy tells him, Odd gets up from the ground.

"Since when the least athletic person in the world thinks he's better than I am" Odd asks him.

"Hey that's true getting a little carried away aren't you Einstein" Ulrich says to Jeremy, Kiwi starts growling at Jeremy.

"Don't blame me, the stopwatch doesn't lie you guys" Jeremy tells them.


"That was even worse than the last time, how do you expect to beat Xana if all of you don't speed it up" Jeremy says to them.

"You're a real comedian Einstein all you ever do is time us anybody can do that" Odd tells him.

"One thing for sure if you guys don't get into shape you're never going to get any stronger and Xana going to beat you hands down, but if you think you want to another trainer by my guest" Jeremy tells them.

"Maybe there's a better a better way of getting in shape" Yumi says to him.

"I get it you're just badly trained and you guys can't keep up its my fault" Jeremy says to them.

"Well yeah" Odd & Ulrich tell him.

"Okay fine, I may not be the best trainer in the world, but you have to admit you don't exactly listen to me" Jeremy tells them.

"That's true, maybe we need to find someone else a specialist" Yumi suggests.

"Specialist you mind telling me where you expect to find one" Jeremy asks her.

"Jim" Harry says.

Everyone looks at each other agreeing with him.


Jim opens his door, seeing the gang at his door.

"Now is what you do you think you're doing here, can't a man have a little peace and quiet even on Saturday" Jim asks them.

"Well it's simple although well, I think this is a little crazy" Jeremy says to him not finding the words to say.

"Nothing could surprise me ever since I orbited the earth spit it out Jeremy" Jim tells him.

"Um, well we heard that you were once a special forces trainer" Jeremy says to him.

"That's right special forces of the sis secret invasion force, those were the good old days, but that being said I'd rather not talk about it" Jim says walking around.

"Would you be willing to train students like us Jim" Jeremy asks.

"Me train students" Jim says looking over at them.

"Yeah for kind of commando camp like you like the special intervention thing a majig" Jeremy says to him.

"Deal we meet at the Red Cross trail crossroads at 1500 hours sharp dressed for sports" Jim tells them.

"You mean like today already" Yumi asks him.

"It touches me that students recognize and want to benfit of my experience and skills especially you Jeremy I never imagined that anyone has ever turned you into a man a real one" Jim says to him.

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