Chapter 14

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Lab Rat


Odd and Ulrich are eating at the table, then Jeremy, Harry and Aelita sit down at the table.

"What's the big news, we can't wait to hear it" Odd asks them.

"I found it at last" Jeremy says sitting down next to Ulrich.

"What how to build up your muscles without any exercising" Odd says.

"Funny, no I figured out how to materialize you on earth from the network, actually easier than I thought it would be, applied the synchronicity principle to the supercomputers apparatuses then I used it to develop a kind of energizing projection, in other words-" Jeremy tells them, gets cut off by Odd.

"In English, then that means you now know how to send us somewhere directly on earth inside the network right" Odd asks.

Harry nods.

"Exactly" Jeremy tells him.

"You understood Einstein's babble" Ulrich asks Odd.

"Yeah after all this time I'm finally starting to get the hang of swapping physics" Odd tells him.

"Wrong Odd" Harry tells him.

"Quantum" Jeremy tells Odd.

"Yeah, well it's still muddy though" Odd says.

Ulrich looks at Jeremy. "Hold it that means that now you can bring us up anywhere from the skid" Ulrich asks him.

"Not anywhere at all, but I can do it in the vicinity of a supercomputer generating a copy, it's what I call teleportation" Jeremy tells him taking a sip from his soup.

A few minutes later

Jeremy, Harry and Aelita walk out of the cafeteria, Yumi walks over to them.

"Hi guys what's up" Yumi asks them.

"Are you ready to go and blow up a supercomputer" Aelita asks her.

"You can get us to the real world from the network" Yumi asks Jeremy.

"Yeah, we're all meeting at the factory tonight to try it out okay" Jeremy tells her.

"You got it" Yumi tells him.

Jeremy, Harry and Aelita walk away from her.

"Bye" Aelita says to her.

Ulrich appears next to Yumi. "Uh Yumi, I wanted to ask you something" Ulrich says to her.

Yumi walks away from him.

"Wow, now that was cold as the north pole, what did you do the deserve that" Odd asks him.

"I have no idea, the cold shoulder started the day before yesterday" Ulrich tells him.

"That's weird her birthday was the day before yesterday" Odd tells him.

"It was, I don't believe it your kidding" Ulrich says in surprise.

"I hope you wished her a happy birthday, you know how things like that are important to her" Odd tells him.

"Oh no, I totally forgot man now I bet now she's going to hate me for weeks" Ulrich says.

"Probably unless you guy and buy her a nice present to make up for it" Odd tells him.

"I'll go now, well I could if I would" Ulrich says.



"Stern how many times do I have to tell you that founder is not a flying fish, so there's no reason throwing it at the window espically when the window is open and when I happen to be there, so I got one word for you and that's two hours of study hall" Jim yells at him.

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