chapter 2

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William Returns


"And thank you, Mr. Delmas" Jeremy said on the phone.

"I guess I make a pretty good at being a grown up" Jeremy explains to Aelita.


"So you might be able to recreate lyoko" Yumi asked Jeremy & Aelita.

"Yeah, we might even be done by tonight" Aelita explained to Yumi.

"Oh, and I thought you two were partying all night I was getting jealous" Odd told them.


"Hi Milly, Tiama, can we sit with you guys" Yumi asked them, then the two girls get up and leave the table.

"I guess there still mad at you for ditching the interview" Ulrich said to Jeremy.

"No they're probably still mad at each other" Jeremy told them

The night in the factory

"Here we go" Jeremy said pressing the key on the keyboard.

"Sorry to be a bumper, but nothing happening" Odd said.

"That data my father wasn't enough" Aelita said looking at Harry who was reading a book.

"Don't worry Uncle gave us enough data" Harry assured Aelita.

"Hey look at that" Yumi said pointing to the screen.

"We only manage to recreate sector 5, but the other sectors will have to wait" Jeremy told the group.

"Well, that can wait another day you two deserve some rest" Yumi said.

"Yumi right, we need all the rest to find William, we look start tomorrow" Aelita tells him.

"Well alright" Jeremy says giving

"Hey do you guys wants to watch the king disco with me, it'll take your mind off things" Odd asks the others.

Later that night a scanner opens up with smoke coming out of it along with someone.

Boy's restroom

"Hey what is this" Jim asked Odd while he's brushing his teeth.

"A newspaper without much news" Odd tells him, "let me see that" Odd says to Jim grabbing the paper from Jim's hand.

"You promised not to tell anyone, and to think I actually trusted you" Jim says.

"Jim I didn't give your secret away I swear" Odd explains to him.

"You must think that I'm an impisole" Jim tells him.


"Do you know what Jim is going to do to me because of this" Odd tells Milly & Timaya throwing the paper to them.

"No, but I can't wait to find out, and I'm sure the readers dying to know to" Sissi tells him.

"Sissi since when have you been involved with the Kadic News" Jeremy asked her

"Since I made myself editor and chief, oh and since you're all together as usual I would like to ask Yumi a few questions for the next issue" Sissi tells the group. "What are you two waiting for we're rolling, well Yumi are readers would like to know you and William are getting a long" Sissi asked.

"Um me and William, I don't know what your talking about" Yumi tells her.

"Would you rather have me ask William myself, he's not as shy is you are, by the way where is William last time I seen him was a week ago" Sissi ask the group.

"Doesn't matter Sissi" Harry tells her walking up to the group with William

"The last thing I remember is being sent to lyoko, and jumping in the way keeping Harry safe, its a blank after that until this morning when I woke in the factory" William tells the group. "What are you doing Odd you're hurting me" William asked Odd.

"Making sure your not one of Xana's ghost" Odd told him.

"No danger of that, there isn't any activated tower on lyoko, William couldn't have been sent by Xana" Jeremy tells Odd.

"So you can stop pinching me Odd" William tells him.

Bell rings

"Well you're just in time for math quiz" Yumi says to William.

"Timing uh, I haven't study at all" William tells her.

"So, since when have you ever study" Yumi tells him.

"The next problem is explaining William's sudden return to Delmas" Odd says to the others.

"Yeah you said it, what I don't get is when lyoko was destroyed William didn't fall into the digital sea, I would love to know how he escaped" Jeremy tells the others.

Aelita's room

"Who is it" Aelita asked

"Hi Aelita" Sissi said coming into her room

"Need, something" Aelita asked her

"It's about Ulrich" Sissi tells her

"He loves Yumi, and don't worry Xana won't get him or Harry" Aelita tells her.

"Sorry to interupt, but Sissi please leave" William said standing by the doorway.

"Whatever" Sissi says leaving the room.

"What's up William" Aelita asked him.

"Xana" Harry tells her standing next to William.

"What about Xana" Aelita asked them.

"Becoming a prisoner of Xana" Ulrich said coming into the room.

"Aelita run" Harry tells her.

"Not going to happen" William says to him fighting him while Ulrich deals with Aelita.

"Ulrich..." Aelita said before getting hit by lighting from Ulrich.


"What happened Sissi" Jeremy asked her.

"I don't know William came to Aelita's room told me to leave" Sissi tells him.

"Let's go" Jeremy tells her


"Where am I, whats going on" Aelita ask waking up seeing William & Ulrich. "Guys where are you taking me let me go" Aelita tells them. "Energy field" Aelita yells hitting William in the chest and the smoke letting go of her.

"Having fun without inviting us, you sure have changed haven't you" Sissi says to William & Ulrich.

"Aelita are you okay" Jeremy ask her.

"No, I'm not at all" Aelita tells him.

"William is after you, but we freed Ulrich" Jeremy tells her.

"What's the matter with him" Aelita asked him.

"I don't know, but it seems William is under the control of Xana better get out of there fast Aelita" Jeremy tells her.


"There he is" girls scream coming into the gym going over to Jim, Odd leaves.

Outside of the dome

"Yumi, you need to stop William from going into the digital sea" Jeremy warns her.

"I know Jeremy I'm on it" Yumi tells him following William with Aelita on the manta.

"Sorry to cut in William, but Aelita has preferred company from a real gentleman" Odd tells him. "Lazer arrow" Odd yells. "Sorry, but I hate to be tailgated" Odd tells him.


"Do you think William is gone forever" Ulrich asked Jeremy.

"No I think he went back to his new master" Jeremy says.

"Xana" Harry says.

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