"You really are a good buddy thanks." Odd replied.

"Don't bet on that."

Yumi walks around the school being laughed at by other students.

"Yumi lend me your princess costume for Halloween." a girl laughed as Yumi walked by.

"Why don't you shut up." Yumi yelled.

"Are you okay Yumi." Jeremy asked.

"You look upset is something wrong?" Aelita asks.

"I really don't want to talk about it. What's happening?"

"We just located a new replica in the network." Aelita replied.

"We're going to destroy it tonight. See you at the factory later." Jeremy replied.

The bell rings

"I'll be there, I've got history now, see ya." Yumi replied.

"Let's just say it. She does look awful in pink, although the color looks really great on you Aelita." Jeremy blushed.

A few minutes later


"It's okay Jeremy, the skid is docked." Aelita informs him.

"That's great, I'll activate the tower."

Ice Sector

The tower as a green glow around it.


"Well who's going to get teleport-ed tonight?" Jeremy asks.

Ice Sector

"I vote for Yumi and Ulrich, they're good together on a mission." Aelita replies.

"No way, I'd rather go on my own than go with him." Yumi agrued back.

"I don't believe it." Ulrich muttered.


"Chill out Yumi, why don't you and Odd go this time." Jeremy commented.

Ice Sector

"Yeah sure." Yumi replied.

"Why not with me?" Ulrich asks.

"He wasn't dumb enough to make me look dumb in front of the whole school."

"Odd we got to talk, I just changed my mind." Ulrich says.

"No time to talk teleportation, come on Jeremy wake up." Odd rushed.


"Patience okay Odd." Jeremy replied, then presses a few keys on the keyboard. "Why is everyone so round up tonight? Energize Odd."

Ice Sector

Odd disappears from the skid.

"Energize Yumi."

Yumi disappears from the skid.

With Odd and Yumi

Yumi and Odd land somewhere during a snowstorm.

"Where are you?" Jeremy asks.

"In a middle of a snowstorm." Yumi replied. "I think I can see  some hand of a base, we'll go check it out." Yumi answered.

"Okay." Jeremy replied.

"Come on let's go." Yumi says to Odd pointing towards the building.

Yumi and Odd runs towards the building.

the final round #Wattys2018Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora