"Oh, sorry I don't have any..."

Odd's parents walk away from Jim and go to there seats.

Jeremy opens his laptop.

"I'm putting it to sleep."

"Hey Sissi's what's the matter? You don't look so great." Herb asks.

"Odd's made fun of me in every single of his films." Sissi muttered.

"Yeah." Nicholas laughs out loud.

Mountain Sector

A tower goes from white to red.


"Hello, first of all I would like to-" Odd nervously announced.

A phones goes off.

Odd looks to see his dad get up from his seat to answer the call.

"We'll start the screening as soon as the directors father returns." Mr. Delmas announced.

"Hello, is this some kind of joke?"

Purple electricity comes out of the phone and possess Odd's dad.

Odd's dad returns to his seat next to his wife.

"Who was it darling?" Odd's mom asks her husband.

"Why don't you keep quiet and stop batting your eyes at that old goat." Odd's dad growled.

Mr. Delmas gets up from his seat.

"What? Let's not fly off the handle here." Mr. Delmas replied.

"Your the fly that needs handling. I'm on to your game." Odd's dad argued.

Odd's mom gets up from her seat.

"But, have you lost your mind darling?" Odd's mom asked.

"Here its for you." Odd's dad replied putting the phone up to Odd's mom ear.

Odd's mom becomes possessed.

Mr. Delmas phone goes off.

All the phones go off in the room.

Odd gets confused of what was going on.

The gang informs Odd of the activated tower, then they all run off to the factory.

Odd follows off behind them.

"Look at the coward running away like a little rat." Odd's dad growled.

Jim stops Odd in his tracks.

"Hey it's not very polite to sneak off during the film you know." Jim growled.

Odd runs through the forest.

Mrs. Hertz, Milly and Tamiya were there with gardening tools.

Odd turns to see his parents and everyone else running towards him.

Odd runs off again.


Yumi, Jeremy, Aelita, and Ulrich grab their skateboard and head to the factory.


Odd runs into the gym.

A few minutes later


"What's he doing? Where is he?" Jeremy asks tapping his fingers on the chair.

"I thought he was behind us. He must of been held up by his fan club." Ulrich replied.

the final round #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now