snowyboi02 has added you as a friend!

"Who is that..?" No one from school has that name, that I know of anyway. So, I added him back.

Me: Are you here from the embarrassing video my brother posted on his story?

snowyboi02: No..? You were on my quick add and I literally don't have any friends... is it okay that I get to know you..?

This kid wants to get to know me? Wow.. Id like a friend actually.

Me: Yeah, that's fine. I don't have any friends either.

snowyboi02: Then I guess we have each other :)

Me: Yeah :)

I actually felt welcomed by this stranger. I smiled to myself, under my mask of course.

Me: Well I guess ill have to say it first, I am dying to know more about you. So spill the tea. lol.

snowyboi02: Hehe~  Wanna play 20 questions to get to know each other more?

Me: Yeah, that sounds great.

snowyboi02: Ill go first. What kind of music are you into?

Me: I like classical when I am working on art or reading. But other times I like deep songs, metal, phonk, anything really, just NOT country. Hby?

snowyboi02: I like learning classical music on piano, and listening when I need to calm down from anxiety. So we are basically the same, lol :)

Me: Oh cool

snowyboi02: So, are you a geek?

Me: Yesss, I die for video games, most importantly minecraft. And of course movies like starwars and Indiana jones, marvel, and anything 80-90s.

snowyboi02: I know! Minecraft is life! it's so fun and relaxing! I don't do scary games that much, but I like games about space. :) I don't get to see that many movies but id like to watch those.

Me: xbox or playstation.

This question could break our new bond. he better answer right.

snowyboi02: PlayStation..

Me: good:) What's your username

snowyboi02: snowyboi02.. heh. So original I know.

Me: no it's okay. It's a cute name. Is it a furry name or just a nickname or dose it have meaning?

Me: Sorry if it was a personal question you don't have to answer. (double texted)

snowyboi02: No it's okay. Its a nickname I gave myself..

Me: awe~ that's adorable. Well, my name is d3pr3ssioncandl3gawd. I made it up when I was younger.. ugh cringe.

snowyboi02: Stop it's cute! I love candles!

Me: You are such a precious bean:) I've never met someone who has such a good energy.

snowyboi02: What do you mean..? *blush*

Me: awe, well, it's a strange gift I have but I am a strong sensitive.. I can feel emotions and oras of other people.. and I am good at guessing. I feel that you are trying to be innocent and have a strong heart but you can't because of anxiety..

snowyboi02: ..

Me: sorry- shit I did it again- ill go if I just hurt your feelings.. I get triggered a lot by people who talk about their 'depression' when it's fake.

snowyboi02: No- it's okay- I know what you mean. And.. im glad you can see stuff like that.. because I would have never been able to hide the depersonalization from you that long.. I get upset sometimes after anxiety.. it's just hard to hide.. and I can't tell people much because I get anxious about them knowing or they use it against me later.. but im glad you told me you have depression.. im here for you..

Me: thanks.. no one has ever said that they were here for me..

snowyboi02: *snap of pine tree green converse outside in a tree*
"It's a nice feeling knowing I am the first :)"

Me: *snap of my black converse walking with sketchbook in my hand*
"It's a nice feeling being told that :)"

snowyboi02: I gotta go.. my dad..

Me: ok.. thanks for talking to me. seeya later.

My world isn't so dark anymore.. its like a greyish tint.


When I got home I hung my painting up by my book self. My phone buzzed in my hoodie pocket and I hoped that it was Snowy already but it wasn't. Fortunately it was the singing, piano playing daddy. I quickly went to his account and listened to his song. It was a cover of Creep by Radiohead. Oh im dead! This man can hit higher notes than my high.

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