Chapter 10

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Jamie POV

They put our scores up last night, and Tris and I are on top now because of the fear simulations. Because we both had such a low number of fears, we got through the quickest, putting us up top. I remember seeing a glare from Peter, and Al looked pretty depressed seeing that he was almost last, but I ignored most of it. I'm still excited now, and am having trouble getting to sleep.

"Okay, on the count of three."

That sounds like Peter.

"One... two... three"

I hear a muffled scream, but I don't move. If Peter sees me, I don't know what he'll do. I hear them struggling, and hear their footsteps head towards the door. If they're going to the door, they can't see me now. I get up and follow them out. I hide behind corners, following them quietly, and we seem to be heading to a place that I've only been to a couple of times: the chasm.

"Guys, we've got to get her to calm down, I'm about to drop her."

Her? Who've they got? I peek around the corner, and see them carrying a really small girl... Tris! They have Tris!

I keep following, because if I try to stop them, I'll get hurt, and they'll just keep going. They all have masks over their faces, so the only one I recognize is Peter because of his voice. We're at the chasm now, and they stop, so I do as well, still trying to keep an eye on them around the corner. I think they're trying to throw Tris over the edge of the chasm! I'm about to run out, but Tris pulls one of their masks off, and reveals Al, and I'm too shocked to move. Al? But he's one of our friends, he actually has a crush on Tris, what does he think he's doing? I see someone run in from the other end of the walkway around the chasm. It's Four. I back up, staying behind my wall, because I know Four's got it. He'll have a better chance than me. I hear him talking to Tris, checking on her, and hear footsteps running my direction, so I start running too, figuring it's her captors coming back through.

"Well, look who it is. The next target."

I stop running, and slowly turn around to see Peter and Al. Realizing the third is missing, I look over Peter's shoulder and see Drew laid out. Four got ahold of him.

"Peter, just stay where you are. You don't want to mess with me."

"Oh really? There are two of us, Jamie. Two of us, and one of you."

"Bet I can still take you. Look, just leave me alone. I won't say a word, just leave me out of it."

"Leave you out of it? Oh, you got yourself into this when you followed us down here."

He glances at Al, who nods and lumbers towards me, looking as if he almost doesn't want to do this, but he can't stop himself. Al throws a punch, but I dodge, ducking and punching him in the stomach. I try to kick him, but he catches my foot and throws me down. While I'm on the ground, I swipe out at his legs, my new signature move, and put him on the ground with me. Next second I'm on top of him, about to hit him, when I feel an excruciating pain in my left knee which was straight out behind me. I roll off of Al, holding my knee.

"As I said, two of us, one of you. Have fun getting back."

With that, Peter helps Al up, and they both run back to the dorms, but I just lay here. Peter stomped directly on my knee. Even if I did feel like getting up, I'm not sure that I can. What 

if this ends up like Edward, where I'm injured and useless so they have to throw me out? No, I can't let that happen.

After a while of laying there, I finally decide to try to stand. I can't put pressure on my left leg without falling. After who knows how long, I make it back to the dorms. I see Peter and Al, both asleep. Wait, no, Al isn't asleep. He's shaking, almost as if he's... crying. He's crying? He is crying?! After what he just tried to do to Tris and me, and he is the one crying? I'm so tempted to walk over and punch him in the face, but I remember that I can't walk all that well right now. I lay back and, despite the pain, go to sleep, so exhausted from what happened.

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