Chapter 5

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Jamie POV


Seriously? It's been a week now, and I still can't get used to the wake up call.

"Pit in ten. Don't be late."

Oh right, today is the first day we actually get to fight each other. Four and Eric have been showing us different techniques and moves, and I've been learning all I can, trying my best to prepare for this. I know I'm small, so every advantage I have, I will definitely use. I did notice that, while they were teaching us, Eric always looked a little nervous when Four would demonstrate, and use him as a practice dummy. Makes me think maybe Four has beaten Eric a few times. So that's his weak spot. He's too cocky to admit he wasn't on top on something, but he also still remembers it.

"You ready?"

I turn around to see Will waiting for the rest of us.

"Yeah, sure. I'm ready to get creamed probably. How do you think they'll pair us up?"

"Who knows. I guess we'll see when we get there. Come on slow pokes, let's go."

When we get to the Pit, my nerves shoot through the ceiling. I am nearly shaking, but i'm not sure if I'm excited at the thought of actually fighting, or terrified of the thought of being crushed. Eric stands right in front of the mat and immediately has our attention. I'll give him credit, he's pretty good at silencing a crowd.

"Today, we are going to pair you up to fight. A winner will be declared, when one person is no longer able to continue."

"The fight may end when one person is no longer able to continue, or when one concedes."

"Four, those are the old rules. The new rules state that no one concedes. When one person can't continue, meaning they are rendered immobile, or unconscious, the match will end, and a winner will be declared. Now, for the starting match. First jumper, last jumper, on the mat."

We all look at Tris, and she's gone pale. Well, more pale than she already was. I look up to see who the last jumper was, and realize, this is not going to be pretty. It's the broad girl that 

follows Peter around everywhere, along with the redhead, Drew. I'm pretty sure the girl's name is Molly.

For the majority of the fight, I can't look up. I don't want to see Tris get killed up there. Finally, I hear Eric call the match, announcing Molly as the winner. I look up and Tris is laying on the mat and doesn't look like she'll be getting up for a while. Eric nods to Four and he takes Tris off to the infirmary.

"Alright, that was a quick fight. Second jumper, next to last jumper. In the ring."

Everyone looks at me, and it takes me a second to remember that I was the second jumper. Well, at least if I'm going to be beaten to a pulp, I don't have to dread it all day. Let's get this over with.

I step onto the mat, and Drew steps up. We both look at Eric, and he nods as a signal to begin. I look Drew in the eye, and see him glance towards my stomach. As soon as I see him move, I know where he's going to hit. There's a flaw in his system: he always looks where he's about to hit. You always need to keep eye contact with your opponent. After a few seconds of blocking and thinking, I realize that he's really thin, if there was weight on his shoulders, it could easily make him top heavy.

Now, not that I've tested this theory too often, but I've sort of figured out that I land on my feet pretty well and I can be pretty flexible. The next time he throws a punch, I act quick, I throw my leg over his shoulder, and pull up, now pretty much on top of his head, then I lean backwards. As I pull him down, I jump off and land on my feet, while he continues to fall. I hop on top of him as quickly as possible and punch him in the nose a few times, until Eric pulls my arm away.

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