Traci! Connor x Reader: forget or remember

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I'm sorry I took a long time, I was just busy this week having a lot of things to do

"Eden club", I whispered to myself as I looked at the glowing sign. As I started to walk in the club. I walked towards the front desk, getting perverted looks from old men and envious looks from women. Making me roll my eyes, as I walk towards the front desk.
Now you must be wondering why I am in a peculiar crowd in a such setting, well I'm a detective. And there has been reported of homicide, and been suspected that the man went in the eden club, and was being followed. I would never go to a place like this if I had an option. "What's a pretty young lady like yah doing in a place like this?", the front desk man asked as he place his elbow on the table and winked at me.
I rolled my eyes as I took out my badge and flashed it in front of the guy, making the man take a step back. "Ho Hey! Just a joke sweet cheeks?", the guys said as he puts his hands up. "So why you here detective?", the man said nervously as he scratched the back of his head. "I have to look at the traci's memory", I said professionally. "Well you better hurry because their memories get completely wiped out over 2 hours, and the last time they got wiped out was around an hour ago", the man said.
"Thank you for the information, it shouldn't take long to retrieve the memory", I said as nodded my head.
    "Now where would the victim mostly be showing from an androids memory?", I said myself as I looked at all the Tracis.  It took me a while, until  I found an Android which had a clear view which the victim must have came in and come out.  It was a cute Android, something that you wouldn't suspect to be a traci.  The Android seemed to innocent.  He had brown eyes, dark hair which was perfectly place. 
    "Focus (y/n)! Your on a case", I whispered to myself looking at my watch.  "50 minutes, it takes around 40 minutes for the download to be complete so I should hurry", I said as I placed my hand on the scanner.  The screen then showing 'payment transferred'.  "Let me show you to your room", the Android said, as he walked.
     He lead me into a room that screams fifty shades of grey kind of vibe.  "Can you please sit on the bed", I said as I took out my equipment.  "You brought your own toys?",  the Android said smugly.  "No", I said simply, not trying to waste any time.  "Then what is it?", the Android questioned me as he looked over me programming my computer.  "None of your business", I said sassily.  "Fiesty, I like it", he said as he wrapped his arms around my chest, slowly kissing my neck.
    "Stop getting handsy", I said as I escaped his grip.  "Your playing hard to get huh?", he said as he rolled his eyes.  "Hmmph. Lay on your back", I said.  "That's more like it", he said as he winked at me, making my eyes roll.  I placed my hand on his stomach, the exterior skin tone turning into a white plastic, I opened the hatchet and connected wire.  "It will take about 40 minutes until the download is completed, so your stuck with me budy, and don't try any funny business pal", I said.  "Well I knew we were going to get close, but not this close", he said as he put his arms behind his head.
    "So whats your name beautiful?", he said as he looked at me.  "(Y/n)", I stated looking into his eyes.  "Pretty name for a pretty girl", he flirted, making me blush and shake my head.  "Did I fluster you?", he teased me, making me huff and cross my arms.  "Yeah right!", I said.  "Whatever you say.  But since I know your name, you should now my name, Connor", Connor said as he winked at me. 
    "Nice to meet you Connor", I sarcastically said.  "Nice meeting you too", he answered back.  "So what and why do you need to download, whatever your downloading", he said boredly. "I'm downloading footage for a case, that's all you need to know", I said.  "So your a detective? Wow not only you got looks, but you got a brain to? Your the whole package aren't you?", Connor said.  "Thanks for the compliment", I said.  "So when your making me wait, keep me some company.  Your an interesting girl that I won't forget", Connor said.
    "Forget", I whispered softly so he could barely hear.  "What?", Connor said with an eyebrow raised.  "Nothing. Sure I'll give you some company", I said as I gave a smile, making Connors breath hitch a little.  'It's pointless honestly, I could've just ignore him. It doesn't matter he will forget. But for some reason I can't bear myself to do that, for some reason.  He doesn't know the truth, however when he finds out they truth, his memory will be erased either way.  It's really a one way path', I thought as I looked at Connor with empathy as he started to talk about the most random things and his past clients
    "So do humans really need to eat? Or is it more for the enjoyment of stimulating their taste buds?", Connor asked.  "They really need to eat", I said emptily, making Connor give me a worry look.  "Are you okay? For the past few minutes, it seems like something is bothering you", Connor asked.  "Yeah... Connor do you really remember those past clients you had?", I asked seriously.  "Ye-yeah", he said unsurely.  "Describe the last client", Connor said. "Blonde no black hair. Brown eyes?  Why can't I remember?!", Connor exclaimed as he grabbed his hair. 
    "Why can't I remember?", Connor said. "Connor your a traci you know that... they erase your memory every two hours, you have 12 minutes left until they erase your memory again", I explained like a mother explaining to a child why their father won't come home... it was painful.  "Er-erase?", Connor said.  "Yes", I said, as I took out all the wires and equipment, putting it away.  "But I don't want to forget you! I want to remember you, (y/n)!", Connor exclaimed as his voice cracked.  Making me flinch in empathy for him.  "Connor it's inevitable, Connor your going to forget about me... bu-but no worry I won't forget about you okay? I won't forget", I said with a smile.  "No... no", Connor yelled, as he crawled to me as he grabbed my shirt, then wrapping his arms around my chest.  Looking up at me with his innocent eyes, the flirty, cocky side of him gone and replaced with this confused innocent side.  "Please... don't leave me", Connor whispered.  "Hey detective it's time to go!", a front desk man yelled outside. 
    "I have to go...", I said as I grabbed all my equipment and walking to the door.  "(Y/n) please don't go", Connor whimpered.  "My name is (y/n), remember that", I said as I walked out.
    "The fuck took you so long!", Gavin said.  "Shut your trap woman", I said as we walked to the police stations together.  I walked up to the building about to scan my ID to go inside, "Fuck where's my ID!?", I said as I patted my pockets.
~eden club~
    "(Y/n), why does that sound so familiar", Connor whispered to himself as he looked down at the dropped ID.

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