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The next morning came and it was a surprise ceasefire. Medic looked over the files and realized Heavy needed his dental checkup as well. Medic knew the Russian would be easy to handle so the German knocked and entered the giants room. "Morning doctor." Heavy said as he saw his best friend. "Morning Heavy, I came to tell you that it's time for your dental checkup, so would you like to take care of that now?" Heavy thought about it for a moment. "Da." He said, getting up to follow medic. Medic knew Heavy's checkup would be easy, because Heavy trusted medic, and medic trusted Heavy. As they entered the clinic, Heavy went and sat on the examination table, because the dental chair was meant for normal sized humans, not giant teddy bears. Anyway, Heavy sat down and Medic grabbed the tools and walked over to where his Russian friend sat.  "Alright Heavy, you know the routine. I will still talk to you during the exam because I know it helps you. So go ahead, relax and when you're ready, open your mouth." Medic said, patting the Russians shoulder. Heavy nodded, took some deep breaths, and after a minute, opened his mouth. Medic got started right away.
     Well, it went a smoothly as a melting stick of butter down a hill in Arizona in July, (very). Heavys teeth were fine, and nothing was wrong. Looks like those hygiene lessons from Medic did more than he thought.
   "Well Heavy, we are done here, everything looks wonderful."  Medic said, removing the tools from his patients mouth.   
     "Thank you for help doctor. You good man." Heavy said, standing up.
"My pleasure my friend, if you see Pyro, please send them in."
"No problem doctor. Bye." Heavy said, walking out to find Pyro.  Medic waved goodbye and as Heavy walked out, he took a deep breath, maybe the rest of the exams, including the new class (see other story for details) will be just as easy. "Maybe," he thought, "maybe I won't have to use the gas anymore and everyone's teeth will be great."

Lol, wishful thinking doc, that's for me to decide and I have it planned out. *evil laugh* get ready folks, because in this story, I decide Pyro's gender.

Wow? You still here? Oh.... I haven't ended the chapter yet....

Good workout huh?

Alright, I'm board, I'm gonna go work in the other people.

Okay bye!

Tf2 2 Dental Dilemmas. (Formerly knows as: Sniper X Medic Dental Troubles)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin