Sniper (aka the Actual Freaking Story)

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( I suck at accents... deal with it.) (new note at bottom)

Today was a pretty normal ceasefire day in the team fortress 2 world. Sniper was in his van "sleeping", engineer is working on new sentries, spy was smoking etc; everything seemed normal except for medic. He knew why today was ceasefire besides it being Sunday. It was medical check up date. He knew how well people handle these days, and why shouldn't he? He's been here for almost 15 years. Medic sighed. "Lets get this started..." he mumbled to himself. He decided to start with the easiest and less fidgety, Spy. Medic walked out of the infirmity and knocked on Spy's smoking room door. "Who is it?" Spy asked. "Its medic, may I come in?" Medic replied, politely. "Oui." That's all the invitation Medic needed to enter. "Ah Medic, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Spy asked once Medic closed the door. "Well, its Medical checkup day and I know you like to get this done with so would you like to come get started?" Medic said, being honest and upfront.

"Sure. I'll meet you in the infirmary in 2 minutes. I just need to freshen up." Spy said, standing up and putting his current cigarette out. Medic nodded and excused himself to go back into the infirmary.
Upon entering Archimedes, his beloved dove, came flying over and perched himself on his masters shoulder, cooing lovingly. "Oh my loving dove, vhat a beautiful creature you are, but I must ask you to vait in my room, it's checkup day" Medic said, petting his prized possession. As the bird obediently flew away, spy entered the infirmary, mask off.
"Lets get started herr Spy, please stand on the scale." And spy did as was told and the rest of the normal doctor part of the examination went smoothly. Then came time for the dental part, which spy was uncomfortable with, but was still professional and trusted medic to do what he needed to do. When all was cleared, the only problem being his lungs from smoking so much, he was allowed to leave again.
"Spy is always the easiest moving one when it comes to this. Now lets get engineer." Medic spoke to himself and walked to Engies' workshop. Knocking at the door he entered and Dell looked up at him, smiled and nodded politely. "Well doc, what can I do for you?" Engineer asked. "It's exam day and you know how the others are when it comes to these sort of things, can you please help me out?" Medic asked. Engineer smiled. "Of course I can, least I can do for someone who keeps me alive." Medic let out a sigh of relief. With Engineer's help, the rest of the regular doctors examinations and dental parts went surprisingly okay for everyone... except Sniper. Engineer and Medic couldn't find him anywhere... "Medic, I know he's scared of the dentist but how can a grown man go into hiding so well with him not knowing what day it was....?" Engineer asked out loud. Medic shook his head. "I have no idea... I'll go check his van. Go get the examination areas ready and remember to hide the equipment from his sight, we don't want what happened last time to happen again...." medic said with a shudder. Engineer nodded, and also shuddered. "Alrighty then." They both nodded and went their separate ways. Medic asked around to see if anyone had found Sniper, but no one really knew, not even Spy, he knows pretty much everything. But everyone else knew about Snipers dental-phobia, and knew this would happen so the other 7 helped medic out. Medic went to snipers van and knocked in the door. No reply... He knocked again, and then after 5 minutes he got super impatient and then just walked in, something no one dared to do. Except medic. What he saw when he walked in made his heart melt. Sniper was on his bed in there, curled up with a stuffed koala and tears coming down his face. When he saw medic, he froze. "P-p-please don't m-make me g-go...." Sniper managed to get out. (I will now pause so you can awe....... okay that's enough) medic walked over to the bed and sat down cautiously. "Sniper, you know this needs to be done. Remember how last time everything went smoothly?" Medic replied, scooping the frightened mercenary into his arms. Sniper nodded, he remembered it all too well.
He had to be held by Heavy, who was restraining him to where he couldn't breathe. Sniper was put in restraints by medic and engineer, who were laughing evily. Then they put a weird mask thing on him and they didn't stop and eventually he blacked out from fear. He didn't leave his van for a week after that incident.
" It did not go like that Sniper. Yes we had Heavy in there, but he held your hands while Engineer and I worked. Eventually you needed Nitrous to calm down and so we stopped, you inhaled and exhaled very calmly and we took a few breaks as you needed it. You were calm and everything went smoothly." Medic reminded the frightened assassin. He could only nod, because the German was right. "I-I'm still not sure about this....." Sniper said, shaking. Medic was about to respond when there was a knock at the door. "Uh doc? Rooms are ready when you are." Engie's voice called out. "Thank you Dell I will meet you there in a minute." With that, footsteps were heard walking away. Sniper got out of his arms and sat up. Medic stood and turned to face Sniper, who was starting to cry again. "Please... I don't want to..." Sniper said, wrapping his arms around medic, who returned the embrace. "There there Sniper, it's just a dental checkup, nothing tragic." The German said, rubbing circles around the Aussies back. "Doc... I'm scared...." he muttered out. "I know you are, but we're gonna work through it, together."
Sniper broke the embrace and looked confused. "How are we gonna work through it?" "You're gonna need to trust me just a little bit, alright? Some parts of what I have planned to help you may seem uncomfortable and scary, but I'm not going to put you in any harm. Alright?" Medic said, looking into his eyes. The Australian looked a bit scared, but nodded. "I'm trusting you on this doc..." Sniper said, standing up. The medic took his hand in a way that made sure it wasn't gay, although Scout would make fun of it anyway, but it was saying "come with me" and they began the journey back into the infirmary.
When the two men walked back into the infirmary, there was Heavy and Engineer waiting for them, and when they saw the Aussie, smiled softly. "Sniper, go ahead and sit on the chair right there alright?" Medic said, releasing him. Sniper nodded and walked over the the exam chair. 'This isn't gonna kill me....' he had to reassure himself. "Good job partner" Engineer praised. Heavy nodded. "Good." He said. While the two kept trying to distract the Aussie, medic had rolled over a canister of N02 and held the mask up to where Sniper could see it. "Sniper, this is the gas mask that we used last time you had one of these, do you remember?" Doc asked and Sniper nodded, gripping the chair. Engineer saw this and nodded to heavy who took the frightened killers hand. "Just squeeze when scared. Heavy can handle." Heavy said to Sniper, who nodded. "Sniper, is it alright if I put it on you? I then will tilt the chair back, then we will stop and wait for you to relax." Medic asked and did it without waiting for a response. Sniper froze in fear. Engineer saw this and walked to where Sniper could see him. "Just keep breathing now, you're doing just fine." He reassured. He then started taking deep breaths and had the frightened man copy his movements. After a few minutes Sniper started to calm down. 'This isn't so bad' Sniper thought to himself. Soon medic wheeled over a cart containing tools on it. "Sniper, do you still trust me?" Medic asked and he got a nod in response. "Alright, were gonna get started and you just say there and breathe. Alright? All we're gonna do is have a look inside your mouth and make sure nothing is wrong, if something is wrong, Engineer and I will fix it, if you need a break raise your hand or make a sound and we will stop. Sound good?" Medic explained and once again, sniper nodded. Engineer once again put the mans hand back into the Russians, and rolled his stool up by Snipers face. "Alright partner, can y'all open up nice and big for us?" The Texan asked and the Aussie squeezed Heavys hands and nodded, opening his mouth to begin what he felt like was his doom.
~time skip brought to you by me.~
After 45 minutes, it was done. Everything went by without a hitch. Turns out, Snipers' in perfect health. They made it through with only a few breaks and no tears. As the mask was removed and the gas flow was turned off, Sniper received praise for how well he did from his comrades. "That was the best checkup you've done so far Sniper!" Medic praised as he got Sniper a drink of water. "I have to agree with doc 'ere, that was so smooth I'm proud of you." Engineer agrees. Heavy nods, "Heavy very proud of leetle man." They all embrace Sniper. "Thank you all, I couldn't have done it without you." He says as he tries to embrace back. Then he lets out a yawn. "The medicine will do that." Medic says. Sniper nods. "Heavy, can you help me walk Sniper to his room please?" Engineer asks. Heavy nods and together they get Sniper to his bedroom and safely in bed, where the tired assassin promptly fell asleep. Everything turned out well, and Medic didn't tell anyone, but in the middle of the night went in to check in on Sniper, and gave him a kiss in the forehead. Medic was quite happy to know the man he cared about most on the team was healthy.
- [ again, I suck at accents. If there's positive reviews and many wishes I'll do the other mercs too.] 6/20/17 so uhhhh, you want the others? I have it planned out I just want to hear your thoughts

Tf2 2 Dental Dilemmas. (Formerly knows as: Sniper X Medic Dental Troubles)Where stories live. Discover now