ch2:Fidget Much?

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(Song: Aidonia- Yeah Yeah. I don't advise that you listen to it while reading since it has nothing to do with the beginning but this is the song they were singing if you were wondering)

Okay so I think you can tell the difference between Alan and his wolf Shane by the italics in Alan's arguments with "himself" (I don't know if this is making any sense but, I hope you guys get what I'm trying to say)

Alan's P.O.V

It's been a week since I've spoken to Jade. Let's just say, I've done something horribly wrong and she has been ignoring me ever since the party thing.

"I don't know what I did wrong.." I muttered quietly as I dragged myself through school's packed main hall. I feel drained, honestly. Why does this mate thing have to be so difficult for me? As Alpha, I deserve way more than a human mate that barely knows of my existence.

"Um, Alan? I kinda asked you a question..." I shot my head up to see none other than Blake, my Beta. It's funny how he's Beta and we're nothing like each other. He's funny, outgoing and a fuckboy. As much as I appreciate his existence, he's a low key bitch. We work well together though, him along with my Delta, Kriss, but anyway, this isn't about Blake Kriss ain't it?

"Come again?" I asked with my head still facing forward with a blank expression.

"Heh, that's what she said" he smirked. "Anyways." He continued after noticing that I wasn't encouraging his stupidity. "I was just wondering about what happened between you and Little miss Aamarie the other night at the pack house."

My wolf Shane involuntarily growled and I clenched my fists, swearing on the Moon Goddess that I won't snap his neck then and there.

"The fuck am I supposed to know that? How can I find an answer to you when I can barely find an answer for myself?" I let out a bit of frustration by punching my still clenched fist into the nearest locker and running my hand through my hair. Breathing heavily, I turned to Blake while motioning to the slightly dented locker.

"I'm guessing it didn't go too well..." he said looking at anything else but my face.

"I don't know, did it?' I snapped a little too sharply. "Look Blake, I don't really appreciate the time, place and hour that you chose to ask me this." I said, rubbing my temples.

"Alan, you know why I didn't ask any of this earlier. You were being very unapproachable and so forth, so don't put this on me, I know you ain't gonna be out here putting that on me bro." he started preaching. He talks too much but once you've been best friends with him for your entire life, you get pretty damn used to it. He says what's on his mind and I don't think I'd rather him any other way. I let out a breath and didn't say anything. "Hey....what's up?' he managed to ask after a little while. He doesn't care about anyone's feelings but, okay.

"What? I'm like, extravagant"

^^(Lol, who remembers that vine)

I said in the most cheerful voice possible. He watched me and squinted his eyes. I hate when he does that. The way his dark grey eyes flicker in concentration as he peers into your soul is almost intimidating. After a spell of contacting my soul dummies, he straightened his back.

"Don't come 'round me with that bull Alan." He punched my arm. "Let a Beta in." I am being so serious when I say that Blake is lucky that he's my Beta and best friend cause I see him too much and I can't have anything against him.

"Fine, whatever. Aamarie started ignoring me man.." I said after a while.

"Wait, were y'all even friends to begin with? You guys used to talk all along, huh?" I could've sworn I heard a snicker. Was he laughing?

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