ch1: Frangie Panny

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"Absolutely not Jade, you're not going in that." Macy deadpanned 

"Why not?" I challenged with a smirk, "I've never worn something like this before and besides, I won't be doing anything stupid with people I don't know, you know that, momma Macy" I preeched boldly. I scanned my mirror again, I was wearing a pair of black high waisted shorts which was showing quite a bit of my legs and a white cropped Adidas hoodie, exposing my  slightly toned torso with my all time favourite Superstars. My long kinky curly hair was in a neat half up half down and I wasn't really wearing much makeup, just a little highlight and lip gloss. 

A whole mf look huntie

I consider myself a dressy tomboy, I don't dress up and my outfits are never over the top like some of "those girls". What's the point of looking like a snack when there's no one that you're intentionally trying to be noticed by? All the attractive guys at my school are either gay or taken and the rest are either "playing hard to get cause they're passable" like, sit your ugly ass down niglet, you ain't fly, or, they're the nerdy gamers who don't date cause "girls take up game time", and yo girl ain't up for any of that mess.

Macy looked at me with disappointed eyes, "I guess my baby's all grown up now and doesn't need me.." she drammatically sighed. Macy is my adoptive mother, she adopted me when I was two years old. Blah blah car accident, blah blah death, blah blah survival. I don't like to talk about it. Not that I remember, but that's what Macy told me and that's what I'm sticking with. Most people won't call her my mom just because she's Caucasian and Hispanic and I'm "Afro Latina". She had gone through hell and back after adopting me. Even up to this day, we can't go to a Walmart without being looked at funny. Once you call her Momma in public, stares and unwanted comments starts. I could care less though, I love her and she loves me, and that, my dear friends, is what truly matters. "Ugh, fine Lah lah, you can keep it on", she said after I didn't say anything for a good three minutes. "Don't call me that!!" I laughed. She says she calls me that because on the first day she saw me, I was '"lah lah-ing" Twinkle Twinkle and it was one of the "most adorable things she had ever seen" It's either that or I was the first peron she saw, judging by the fact the my whole name is Jada Aamarie and it's always first on everything.

After I hugged momma goodbye, I went to the living room and spammed my best friend Jalen telling him that I was ready. This was going to be one of my first "official" College parties ever. I never really liked going to these parties but Jalen, being the party guy he is, finally convinced me that I should go to one with him. Even though I knew that I was gonna hog all the rum and coke and that I was gonna be abandoned when his boyfriend Lance comes "fashionably late" and takes him away from me, not that I'm seriously complaining though, I love both Jalen and Lance but I just don't love third wheeling. 

I was ding ding-ed out of my "me to me rant" when Jay spammed my phone telling me to get out. I looked out my front window to make sure that I didn't have to wait outside for an additional five minutes. When I saw Jay's car outside, I called out "Bye Momma Macy!" and left.


After Jalen's continuous blabbing about the hype of this party and how he had to get a new outfit at the mall because "they saw me in all my clothes before" (even though all he wears is black and grey and the parties are supposed to be dark and crowded), we finally pulled up to the party thing.

I change my mind, I wanna be home with Momma

Anyways. I heard Jalen close his door and he started walking toward the house. Wait, not house. I've never seen this mansion before, mind you, we were far into the foresty part of Laywood and no houses are ever built here to my knowledge. This was huge, how can no one question that they're driving this far into the woods and a huge mansion thing was just plopped down in the middle of it all. This looks like a pack house and every pack house needs a pack.

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