~Part 25- Talk With Nate And Giving Birth

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Caroline's POV: After Nate and I let go of each other, I peeked over to see my mom was gone. Nate asked, "What's wrong?" I blinked twice not understanding why he would ask me if there was something wrong. "I...don't..understand w-what you mean," I replied. He reached over tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, slightly frowning, he said, "I can tell there's something on your mind." I looked away, but Nate brought my face back to his and quietly told me, "You can tell me." I swallowed, "When my mom..said that I lost our child. I-I thought..about when I said it was my fault." I felt a tightness in my throat trying to keep myself from crying, but looking into my husbands eyes I let them fall. He touched my cheeks, wiping away the teardrops. "I told you it was not anyone's fault," He sincerely expressed. "I...never told you, b-but I-I did something that may have caused it," I croaked. He furrowed his eyebrows asking, "What did you do?" I gulped, "That night I...took a bath a-and I don't know if it's true but....warm water can cause a miscarriage." Nate sighed deeply, scratching his head, "Where did you hear that?" "I remember reading it from somewhere," I replied trying not to breakdown, but knowing that this pregnancy could make it rather than the last one is what breaks my heart even more. Nate stared at me seriously and responded, "I love you, but how could still believe that losing the child was your fault?" I suddenly sobbed, covering my mouth I felt him hug me tightly and he whispered, "You have nothing to be sorry for." I leant against his chest feeling both our hearts pounding. I sniffled, "I promise to be good while you're gone." He chuckled, "You better." I giggled back and wrapped my arms around his torso, taking in his scent and squeezing him.

~6 Months Later~

These last couple of months have been hard without Nate, but school kept me focused and my parents helped me while I was getting closer to giving birth. I took Sammy for walks often and did little exercises to keep me healthy. I cried for days and it turned to weeks as I kept remembering the day he left and continued having nightmares about him not coming back. He texted sometimes, but never called, I wanted to hear his voice.

After waking up from a deep sleep, I gasped as I felt wetness under me and I flipped the comforter off of me to see my water broke. I shouted, "Mom, Dad! My water broke!" I waited for them to come in, but nothing was happening I screamed from the pain and heard Sammy come in. I told him, "Go get mom and dad, hurry." He barked and went back into my parents room and I heard him whining to get them to come to me. Mom got up and came into my room and as soon as she saw me she yelled, "Jack, call 911! Her water broke!" Dad did and the ambulance came almost immediately. I was taken to the hospital and I was lead into an emergency room to give birth.

~In Hospital~

When I got settled in the bed, I breathed deeply to help the pain subside. I looked over to see nurses and a doctor come in. The doctor smiled at me, "Hello Ms. Feuerstein, I will be the one help you give birth today." I tried to smile back and corrected him, "It's Mrs. Feuerstein." He blinked, glancing down at me and smiled nervously as I knew he saw my rings on my finger. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Feuerstein. I just thought you looked so young, I shouldn't have assumed," He nervously said. I groaned as I felt the pain of the baby trying to come out, so the doctor exclaimed, "Everyone gather around and prepare her to push!" All the nurses circled around me and two spread my legs and others lifted up the covers. I cried out, "No, please! I wanna wait for my husband!" One of the nurses calmly stated, "I'm sorry, but your body can't wait any longer, your husband will have to come in later." "No, I promised him I would wait for him!" I whined. The doctor replied, "Your husband will get here when he gets here." I shook my head and started crying heavily.

Finally, the birthing could begin even though I wanted Nate to be here, I knew he would be here anytime soon. I pushed when told and stopped when told, continuing as the baby came further. When the baby was finally out my pain was gone and I felt relief, smiling upon seeing the precious little one being washed and cleaned. As the baby was brought over to me, the doctor announced, "Congratulations! You have a baby girl!" I smiled hugely and reached my arms out to my newborn. He gently laid her in my arms in swaddling blankets, causing more crying to happen from me. I whispered, "Hi, I'm your mother." I heard my mom chuckle and my dad smiled slightly, making me look at them. I looked back at my baby and frowned, expressing, "I wish Nate could have been here." Mom touched my shoulder and responded, "I'm sure he'll still be happy to know he has a healthy baby girl." I nodded and realized I felt tired, so I asked, "Can you take my baby to the nursery?" The nurse still in here nodded and took my baby from me, taking her to the nursery room. I watched the empty hallway for a couple of seconds and then laid down fully, pulling the covers over me to fall asleep.


I woke up and saw no one was in my room and I flinched when I heard my cell phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID noticing it was Brandon, picking it up. "Hello," I groggily said. He chuckled, "I guess I called at a bad time." I shook my head, "No, I just woke up from giving birth." Brandon chuckled, "I actually didn't know today was the day." I giggled back, "I didn't know that either, but it happened." He asked, "Is Nate there with you?" I shook my head, feeling tears come to my eyes again. "No, I don't think he could make it," I croaked. I could tell he frowned with his reply, "I'm sorry, he will still be happy to have your baby." I yawned, "I hope to see him soon." Brandon smiled responding, "I know you'll see him soon." I nodded and yawned again, "I think I should try to get more sleep." He chuckled again, "Go ahead, I'll talk to you when you're out of the hospital." I hung up and laid down again, closing my eyes.

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