~Part 12- I Stay Home and Another Surprise?

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We got everything packed up and checked out making our way to the airport. We boarded the plane and sat in our seats getting ready to go to South Carolina where mom and dad are living now.

*Mom and Dad's house*

We left the airport and drove to the new house. I walked in the door and shouted, "Hi mom! Hi dad!" They came in the room with Sammy and they all greeted us. I hugged mom and dad then I pet Sammy and gave him a kiss on the head. Nate walked up the stairs to reach the empty bedroom and dropped all of our stuff on the floor. I followed him into the room and hugged him kissing him softly. After he pulled away he left the room and walked fast down the stairs to get ready to go.


Nate finished getting everything ready and I ran to the door hugging him. I asked, "Can you please stay?" He shook his head saying, "I can't, I have to go." I started to cry like when he left before and said, "Please, I can't take it when you're gone! I feel like I can't breathe, like I'm gonna die!" Nate looked at me seriously, "Don't you dare tell me that. You need to be strong, for us, for our baby." I hugged him again and he kissed my head and he said, "I love you, but I have to go." I nodded and said, "I love you, too." We kissed and then he left to go the airport again. I turned around and saw mom looking at me sympathetically. I ran to her and hugged her tightly crying into her arms, then she asked, "What did Nate say about a baby?" I looked up at her and said, "I found out I'm pregnant, it's been about three weeks." Mom looked at me and asked, "Hasn't it only been three weeks since you went on your honeymoon?" I nodded and said, "It must've happened our first time." Mom sighed, "Was that the surprise you couldn't tell me before?" I nodded, "Yeah, I guess Nate didn't know anyone was listening." Mom said, "Well, congratulations!" I smiled slightly and said, "I should unpack everything now."

I went up to my bedroom and put everything in my drawers and I laid on my bed thinking about Nate, falling asleep.

~7 Weeks Later~

I woke up looking at the clock seeing it was almost twelve in the afternoon. I got up quickly getting dressed and brushing my teeth and I ate breakfast alone. After I was done eating I took Sammy on a walk. On our walk Sammy pulled me towards a guy walking towards us. He sniffed him and I looked up at him seeing he was smiling at me. I said, "Hi, this is Sammy." He said, "Hi, Sammy I'm Brandon and who is this lovely girl walking you?" I responded, "I'm Caroline." He smiled at me and said, "It's nice to meet you Caroline." I nodded, "Likewise, I really should keep going though." He said, "Of course, miss..." I said, "Mrs. Feuerstein." He looked at me wide eyed and said, "Oh, you're married." I nodded and let him notice my wedding ring and he asked, "When did it happen?" I responded, "10 weeks ago." He asked, "How old are you?" I said, "I'm 20 years old." He looked surprised and asked, "Anymore surprises?" He looked me up and down and smiled at me, "You're pregnant." I gasped, "How did you guess?" He said, "I noticed the way you were holding your stomach, women touch their tummy when they are pregnant." I nodded and said, "I guess there aren't any more surprises." He then asked, "Your name sounds familiar, may I ask who your husband is?" I said, "Nathan Feuerstein, is known as a rapper who is Christian." He nodded, "I thought the name sounded familiar, well congratulations." I said, "Thank you, and see you some other time." He responded, "Yeah, see you another time." We then continued walking in the opposite direction and I finally brought Sammy home.


I walked in the house and let Sammy off his leash and he walked into the family room. I walked upstairs and went to the bathroom, undressed and turned on the bath putting in body wash letting the water bubble up. When the water got warm I stepped in the tub and relaxed in the long bath.


When I got done my bath I got dressed comfortably lying on my bed. Suddenly, my phone rang and I saw it was Nate, so I answered. "Hi Nate!" He responded, "Hi Caroline, I just wanted to call to tell you I am almost on stage for my next performance." I nodded, "Okay, enjoy it. I will pray for you." He said, "Well, I have to go now, I love you." I said back, "I love you, too." Then he hung up and I laid back on my bed praying that Nate would do well and that when it was time to come back home he would make it safely.

Suddenly, I found myself waking up and I lifted the covers off of me and then I gasped seeing the blood on the sheets. I looked down at my legs and saw where the blood was coming from and I screamed and started to cry. Then mom and dad came in the room seeing me in my condition. My mom said, "Oh my gosh, Jack call 911." I started freaking out and couldn't stop crying. When the police and ambulance arrived I still couldn't calm down. The young paramedic came in and talked in a soft voice, "Mrs. Feuerstein, you need to calm down so we can take you to the hospital." I tried to get myself together, but my body wouldn't stop shaking and my tears wouldn't stop flowing. The paramedic told me, "Breathe deeply and you will calm down." I did what he said and my body was starting to relax. He then carried me to the ambulance and mom and dad drove with the ambulance to the hospital.


I woke up and saw a doctor standing over my bed. I asked, "What happened?" He frowned and said, "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Feuerstein, but you miscarried your baby." I couldn't speak I was in such shock, I wanted to cry but I think my tears were all dried out. I said, "I want to see my parents." The doctor said, "They are talking with your husband on the phone right now, but they are coming in soon." I nodded and then mom came in and handed the phone to me. I responded, "Hi Nate, how did the concert go?" He chuckled sadly, "Fine, but is it true, did you lose the baby?" I nodded, "Yeah, I'm so sorry." Nate asked, "What do you mean you're sorry?" I cried, "I failed...you and the baby." He said, "Caroline, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." I shouted, "Yes it is! I am so sad without you, I ruined our family!" Nate said back, "You did not ruin our family, you just need to relax and take care of yourself." I said, "But, I couldn't...I needed you here with me." He responded, "And that's why I'm coming to see you." I asked, "You are?" He said, "Yeah, I told my manager to let me come home to you." I said, "Yes, I love you. I can't wait for you to come home." Nate said, "Well, it will take awhile, but I will be home soon." I nodded and said, "I love you so much, bye." He said back, "I love you, too bye." And we hung up. I gave mom's phone back to her and laid down on the pillow, letting myself rest.

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