~ Part 1- Meeting NF

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I know this may sound weird, but I had never really been into rap music until fairly recently because of this Christian artist called NF which I know sounds even more weird because what Christian artist raps?

I changed my mind about rappers because of him being such an intense, meaningful, heartfelt, real, and faithful artist. He really means what he sings or raps because it comes from his life and what he goes through and how he feels about a situation, he is so passionate when it comes to doing music. He says he wouldn't be here without it and he gives it all to God without question.

Now, the reason I'm bringing him up is because well, I met him. I know what you're thinking, how could that be? Well, I'll tell you.

It started out when I was walking my dog on a nice sunny day and suddenly Sammy my dog, pulled me towards this guy and started to sniff him and I told him I was sorry my dog ran up to him like that, but he told me it was fine. So, I looked up from his legs all the way to his face and I gasped slightly and whispered, "Nathan?" And he responded to me with a small smile and said, "Yeah, I am." I then asked him, "What are you doing here?" He said, "I was just visiting the neighborhood." I kept looking at him wondering why he would be here so close to me, why in my neighborhood? Then he asked, "How did you know my name?" I responded, "Why wouldn't I? Do you think I'm too young?" He said, "No, you just don't seem like you would." I then said, "I know a girl like me would never listen to rap music." He asked, "How old are you?" I said, "I'm nineteen." He looked at me kind of surprised and asked, "You're nineteen?" I said, "Yes, I know don't look it."

Then he shook his head and asked, "Hey, what's your name?" I said, "Caroline." He looked down with a smile and said, "That's a beautiful name." I blushed when he told me that and smiled to myself.

Then I told him that I found him through Spotify when I was looking for new Christian artists during Lent when I promised myself and God that I would only listen to His music. I added him because I thought his titles were interesting and I heard "Turn the Music Up" And I turned the music down because it got too loud and it made us giggle. I then said that I heard more songs and "How Could You Leave Us" really hit me hard because even though my life doesn't connect to it personally, I still felt sympathy for him because I know it's hard to lose somebody to drugs when they are family. I saw him tear up a little so I told him we didn't have to talk about it anymore, so I told him that "Can You Hold Me" with Britt Nicole is a song that I do really connect with because I always feel like I need to be comforted and God is the one who does that for me because my life would be going nowhere without Him and I have to thank Him for everything. I started to feel myself tear up too and said, "Great, I'm crying in front of a guy I barely know." He responded, "It's okay, I don't mind. People give me these stories all the time." I smiled at him and said, "You should meet my family." He looked at me shocked and said, "I don't know if I should." I said, "It's okay, my family will love you." He then said, "Okay." Then we walked the rest of the way home.

~At Home~

I walked in with Sammy and Nathan and said, "We should go upstairs." He said confused, "I thought you wanted me to meet your family?" I said, "I know, but I don't know how they would take it." He said, "Well, let's go figure that out." He then walked into the family room and I ran after him and immediately mom asked, "Who are you?" He responded, "I'm NF." They all looked at him confused and I said, "It stands for Nathan Feuerstein." They all nodded and then Samantha came in and Nathan turned around making her cover her mouth and he said, "Hi." And then Samantha hugged him and he hugged back with a chuckle. Then dad asked, "How is he here?" Nathan responded, "I was in the Philly area and I heard people talking about Drexel Hill and thought I would visit." Then I told him all my family's names including Catherine who is away at college and he said, "You can call me Nate if you want." We all nodded and then I whispered to him, "We should go upstairs now." Then dad said, "Nuh-uh, he is not going up to your room." I said, "Dad, he isn't like that." Dad asked, "How do you know?" I said, "Because, I know the kinda guy he is." Dad then said, "You don't know him." I retaliated, "I know him better than you do." Nathan then said, "I would never do anything to hurt your daughter." Dad said, "How do I know that? You could be lying." Nathan replied, "I don't wanna do anything bad to her." I said, "I know he won't, even if he did I would tell him to leave, though I care about him, I always care, I know, but I can't help it. When I like someone I care about them even if it's a celebrity. I really like him dad and I know it has to be God that sent him to me, it can't be a coincidence that he turned up here." Nathan smiled slightly at me and dad said, "Fine, but you are not staying here." Nathan nodded and we went upstairs.

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